Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Ontario Trails News - stay safe on the trails, OSRCF grants and more!

OTC submits grants to OSRCF in support of Trails

G2G Trail
g2g trail logoVolunteers, staff and community members engaged in the management and operation of the G2G Trail will have their training costs subsidized to take the education program. Through the training they will be better able to manage and operate the Goderich to Guelph Rail Trail. The Ontario Trails Council offers three annual on-line courses for trail groups. Trail Planning, Trail Stewardship and trail Management. These are offered on a calendar basis through Algonquin College. The staff and volunteers of the Goderich to Guelph Trail wish to take these courses but do not have the money for up to 30 persons to spend 1,000 each to take the certification training. The OTC wrote a grant in support of their desire for training.

Hamilton Burlington Trails Council
hamilton burlington trailsTrail systems in Ontario are extensive but underused. With a trend of reduced activity driven by the use of technology, our project will use it to encourage communities to become more active. Our objective, through implementing innovative technology, is to improve trail usability and lower the barriers to trail usage thereby providing the community with the means to increased access of existing natural spaces.  This approach will promote the use of trails by raising awareness of their existence and providing guidance on usage and connectivity thus increasing frequency of activity.  Community trails provide a unique opportunity to accommodate various forms of activity, to users of all ages, at no expense thus rendering it very accessible.

We will attain our objective by creating a fun and innovative web based portal and supporting mobile device application. We propose to use various location based mapping technologies, to mesh panoramic imagery with ancillary cultural, environmental and heritage data. This will connect people to their natural surroundings, establish a sense of place and provide an avenue for positive experiences through increased safety, time and resource management.  

Ontario Tool Trailer/IMBA Canada
imba canadaThe Ontario Trail Tool Trailer project is a Resource Development project, in that it will provide a new and badly needed resource in the form of trail-building tools and volunteer event support, (there is NO trail tools trailer or lending resource in Ontario) and it will train several groups in the art and science of sustainable trail creation and maintenance. The primary deliverable that the project will address is in the category of "Volunteer and Education" - encouraging volunteer trail user groups to take a stewardship role in their trails, and providing them with the tools and education required to do so successfully.

The Ontario Tool Trailer project will consist of three parts: 1) A mobile tool trailer, that will house all the tools and support structure required to host a successful volunteer trail-building or trail maintenance day, 2) The creation of a lending structure to ensure the ongoing availability of the tool trailer to interested groups, and 3) A series of trail-building workshops to educate stakeholders in the art and science of sustainable trail creation and maintenance.

Ontario Trail Assessment
people using a hetap unitThe Ontario HETAP Trail Assessment Project is a Resource Development project, in that it will provide a new and badly needed resource of trail-assessments using our HETAP trail assessment tool, (the HETAP Unit) and volunteer event support, and it will train 4 technicians to  perform trail assessment to ensure AODA compliance. Once the technicians have been trained, a fee will be charged for the trail assessment. The trail assessment process will assess trails for accessibility and other trail characteristics.

HETAP stands for High Efficiency Trail Assessment Process and has been developed to accurately and consistently collect information on the length, grade, cross slope, width, surface type and obstructions of a trail, as well as inventory trail features, such as signage, amenities, maintenance issues, etc.

Great Lakes Guardian Fund for Georgian Bay Coast Trail and PartnersThe Project is part of a larger project by the community based organization Georgian Bay Coast (GBC) Trail which is developing a 200 kilometer rugged hiking trail alongside the east coast of Georgian Bay from Bayfield Inlet to Point Grondine.

This Project is located on a section of this trail on the north east shore of Georgian Bay approximately 90km of Sudbury on the west side of highway 69 and 71km north of Parry Sound on the Henvey Inlet Territory. This Project will identify and protect traditionally significant plants according to medicinal use, edibility or spiritual value along this trail.

 In partnership with Georgian Bay Coast Trail will utilize consulting firms such as Gayenaseh in Six Nations of the Grand River First Nation, and community elders.

This Project has four (4) objectives as follows:
1) The training of the Recipient to identify plants of traditionally significant importance and if a  species at risk (SAR); and,
2) Geo-location of identified plants/SAR; and,
3) Conservation of identified plants/SAR through arboretum or other methodology so that the  development and use of the Georgian Bay Coast Trail does not negatively impact these plants; and,
4) The understanding of heritage and culturally significant plant life will lead to interpretive signage programs and provide material for guides serving the GBC Trail  

ontario federation of snowmobile clubs logoOPP/OFSC want safer riding!

ofsc opp safety education image
(ORILLIA, ON) – The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) and the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) remind snowmobilers that being compliant with the Motorized Snow Vehicles Act (MSVA) and being properly trained are key contributors to their safety, peace of mind and enjoyment while sledding this winter.
Many of the laws governing motor vehicle drivers apply to snowmobile operators, such as failing to stop for police on the trail, speeding, not coming to a full and complete stop at a road crossing, and driving with a Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) that exceeds the legal limit. Failure to comply with the law carries penalties including fines, loss of driver’s licence, criminal charges and/or imprisonment. Charges incurred while snowmobiling go on your driving record and can impact both your ability to continue to drive and affordably insure an automobile.
“A rider whose BAC is between 0.05 and 0.08 (known as the “Warn Range”) can be issued the same 3-day warning that suspends a driver’s licence on the road,” said OPP Sergeant Lise Grenier, Specialized Patrol Coordinator of the OPP Highway Safety Division. “This means that on the snow, the offending rider can no longer drive his/her sled to complete their ride.”
More serious alcohol offences will result in licence suspensions that will prematurely end a rider’s snowmobiling season. Consequences also get tougher for repeat occurrences and riders are reminded that the Ontario Zero Tolerance law for drivers 21 and under also applies to snowmobiles.
In addition, snowmobilers are reminded that both the driver and passenger must always wear a snowmobile helmet that meets the standards approved for motorcycle helmets, with the chinstrap securely fastened. Everyone who rides on a cutter, sled or similar device towed by a snowmobile must also wear a helmet.
Did You Know?
Riding a snowmobile is not permitted on 400-series highways and other high-speed expressways. Snowmobiles are also not allowed on the pavement of public roads where vehicles drive, on the ploughed portion of the shoulder or on public roads where prohibited by municipal law.
To ride legally, snowmobile operators must always carry:
  • Valid driver's licence (or if under age 16, a Snow Vehicle Operator’s Licence)
  • Proof of snowmobile ownership
  • Sled registration (including properly placed registration numbers and validation sticker on sled)
  • Proof of sled insurance (pink slip)
  • 2016 Snowmobile Trail Permit (properly displayed on the sled with permit receipt available) while snowmobiling for recreation on an OFSC Prescribed Trail
The OFSC and OPP also advise snowmobilers to get properly trained. The OFSC offers two courses approved by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO): OFSC Driver Training is a 6-hour classroom style course for snowmobilers aged 12 years and older. The Right Way is an interactive version of Driver Training for adults.
The OPP is committed to saving lives on Ontario’s highways, trails and waterways through the reduction of preventable injury and death. Initiatives are developed and delivered through the Provincial Traffic Safety Program.
The OFSC is committed to proactive leadership in promoting safe, responsible riding, on and off Ontario snowmobile trails, by building safer snowmobiling knowledge, attitudes and behaviours through rider education, safety legislation development and enforcement.
For more information, click on the following links: 
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