Monday, April 25, 2011

Ontario Trails News - April 25, 2011 Round Up

Late spring scene in High Park, in Toronto's w...Image via Wikipediawalk on the wild side
Ottawa Citizen
Alissa York is walking down a footpath through Toronto's Don Valley when something on the ground catches her eye: a perfect raccoon paw print preserved in the mud. She bends down to examine it more closely. "Look at this perfect little hand," she says, ...
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Single-speed mountain bikeImage via WikipediaToronto Mattters - Apr 22 2011 - Where to mountain bike in and ...
Mountain bike trail options in Toronto are actually more plentiful than the beginner rider might imagine. Likely a function o... on April 22 From blogTO ...

Toronto Trails
International Mountain Bike Association (Canada)

Toronto Bicycle Recycling - Ride Away Bikes | Facebook
Welcome to a Facebook Page about Toronto Bicycle Recycling - Ride Away Bikes. Join Facebook to start connecting with Toronto Bicycle Recycling - Ride Away ...

Eagle-eyed visitors flock to Hawkwatch
Hamilton Spectator
... spiralling heat that rises from the ground and the “highway” that forms along the escarpment when wind off Lake Ontario hits the Mountain and rises, Street said. About 600 visitors participated in the open house at the conservation area. ...
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Provinces join ranks to stop eastward march of mountain pine beetle
Globe and Mail
We've got the emerald ash bore coming from Ontario … and we've got the mountain pine beetle coming from the West,” said Glenn Peterson, manager of forest health with Manitoba Conservation. “If they both get here at the same time, we're going to be in ...
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Looking at transportation 40 years down the road
San Diego Union Tribune
The “2050 Regional Transportation Plan” is also a spending program, .... public transit and activetransit (biking and pedestrian) projects are phased in. ...
Now that the Opeongo Store is open (even if the lake isn't) our roving reporter Jerry Schmanda can send us reports on conditions as they evolve: Yesterday's report... A quick update as to fishing results on opening day, April 23, 2011. Very few fisherman's cars were parked along Hwy 60 and the day hiking trails were empty. It was a windy raw day that made you think that underwater would be a.......

Life is pretty good for most black bears come fall. After a spring and summer of gorging themselves, some bears go into their dens weighing upwards of 200 to 300 pounds. 
What is it, though, that triggers bears to come out of hibernation every spring? Is it hunger, sunlight or something more primordial? 
Dr. Marty Obbard, an OMNR Research Scientist and bear expert, says it’s mostly daylight flooding into the den as the snow pack covering the entrances begins to melt. 
“It’s at that point bears become more aware of daylight and more active.”

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