Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Ontario Trails News - May 3, 2011 - Morning Round Up

IMBA logoImage via WikipediaIMBA Trail Workshop in North Bay, ON | International Mountain Bike ...
The International Mountain Bicycling Association (Canada) is coming to Ontario! Chad and Deanne Lazaruk of the IMBA Canada Trail Care Crew will be in North ...

Jane's Walks let you see cities through new eyes
Waterloo Record
Gratz became friends with Jacobs after interviewing the great woman several times in her Torontohome. Jane's Walks, which started in Toronto in 2007 in honour of Jacobs — who died in 2006 at age 89 — have spread to hundreds of cities around the ...
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Toronto's Urban Festival Jane's Walk Celebrates Fifth Anniversary
To celebrate the occasion of the 50th anniversary of The Death and Life of Great American Cities, Jane's Walk Toronto is holding a reading relay of the text ...

Toronto Hiking

Algonquin West ATV Club Poker Run - Kearney, Ontario .. April 30, 2011
This is a great opportunity to find some riding on virtually limitless trails... It's a long link but here it is... ...

O.P.P. FlagImage via WikipediaOPP Issues ATV Reminders
580 C

FRA Radio
Ontario Provincial Police are reminding outdoor enthusiasts of the rules for ... The speed limit for anATV is 50 kilometres per hour where the speed for ...

ATV Smart

Bodies of 2 Ontario canoeists found
Reports indicate the couple were last seen canoeing on Thursday evening in the area of Munro Park on the South River. It is believed they were not wearing their life jackets. They have been identified as Germain Maillet, 48, and his 29-year-old wife ...
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Paddle Smart

Make Mother's Day one to remember in Whitby
This Mother's Day on May 8, moms can enjoy the fourth annual wildflower hike, tea and planting event hosted by Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. "Bring your special mom and join our staff for a leisurely wildflower hike and discover the many ...
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ATV routes of Eastern Ontario
Cost of ATV trail permit. The cost of a trail permit from RCATV is $140/season; $75/week or $20/day and provides access to trails in Ontario and Québec. ...

Green Job: Regional Trails Coordinator, f/t, Muskoka Trails ...
Green/Environmental Job in Ontario: Regional Trails Coordinator, f/t, Muskoka Trails Council, Muskoka, Ontario, Canada. On Canada's Eco-Job Board, ...

ATV club pining for trails Welland Tribune Niagara Region Sun ...
She said ATV enthusiasts from across Ontario go up north to use trails and Niagara is missing out on a huge piece of the tourist pie ...


Bike Train Initiative
Establishing Ontario as a leading cycle tourism destination in North America. > Welcome CyclistsNetwork expansion. > Ontario Cycle Tourism Partnership: ...

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