Saturday, May 7, 2011

Ontario Trails News - May 7, 2011 - Morning Round Up

Flag of the city of Ottawa, OntarioImage via WikipediaCanoe club camps help promote love of paddling
Your Ottawa Region
At th
e end of the two weeks the athletes get to participate in a regatta at the Rideau Canoe Club or at another one in Eastern Ontario...

A storm of athletes headed for Northumberland County
Northumberland News
Each event is made up of trekking (hiking/jogging), mountain biking and paddling sections ..."People from all over Ontario travel to Northumberland County, ...

Rocky Mountain Bicycles Ontario Demo Events - Mountain Bike Review
Rocky Mountain Bicycles Ontario Demo Events Eastern Canada... Mountain Bike OntarioFestival - Kelso - July 16th * riders must register through Skiis and ...

Toronto City Hall from Sheraton hotel room                                 Image via WikipediaJane's Walk this weekend Canadian Architect
Free walking tours held on the first weekend of May each year are led by locals who want to create a space for resident

s to talk about what matters to them in the places they live and work. Since its inception in Toronto in 2007, Jane's Walk has ... See all stories on this topic »

Twitter / Ontario Trails:
Hey "likers" of Ontario Trails. We need your help in two easy ways. 1) Could you check out our blog and perhaps...

North Cobalt (part of municipality Temiskaming...Image via WikipediaLocal News Briefs 
The Sudbury Star
than 650 people participated in the 2011 RBC Hike for Hospice on May 1, raising $125000, ...Timmins, New Liskeard, Sturgeon Falls and Toronto.

Toronto's Trail Map: Just the Ticket for Torontonians | Good News ...
The City of Toronto publishes a map, “Exploring Toronto's Parks and Trails,” which details 800 kilometres of opportunities for green space exploration ...’s-trail-map-just-the-ticket...

Pedestrian link over QEW and Red Hill Creek completed Hamilton Spectator
The city has completed its $14-million East Hamilton Trail and Waterfront Link project, which provides an off-road pedestrian gateway over the QEW and the creek and is part of Hamilton'srecreational trail network. Construction for the pedestrian link, ... See all stories on this topic »

Fort York Pedestrian Cycle Bridge: City of Toronto
After spending $1.3-million and three years on planning, the city is halting work on a $22-million foot bridge to Fort York designed to be a landmark on par ...

View topic - History of fish Stocking and Culture in Ontario ...
Trip Reports, Manitoba, Manitoba Discussion & Resources, Manitoba Trip Reports, OntarioOntarioDiscussion & Resources, Ontario Trip Reports, Quebec, Que. ...

Help save the turtles in Oshawa, Clarington and Whitby
The first-ever turtle conservation workshop is being hosted by Central Lake Ontario Conservationon Monday, May 16, in an effort to protect native turtle populations in the coastal wetlands of Oshawa, Clarington and Whitby. ... See all stories on this topic »

Seaton Hiking Trail, Whitevale
Hike start at 10:00 a.m. and ends around 1:00
The Seaton Trail follows historic hunting and fishing routes on the creek, used for centuries by aboriginal people. In pioneer times, the creek and valley became the site of several water powered mills. A former grist mill stills exists at Whitevale.

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