Friday, August 26, 2011

Ontario Trail News - Develop, Manage, Use and Preserve Ontario Trails

News from Conservation Ontario
From leisurely wildflower walks to historic treks through underground caverns, geocaching and nighthikes,. Ontario's Conservation Areas are offering many ...

Traffic-signal system has an eye for cyclists
Daily Gleaner
In addition to the Nova Scotia Department of Transportation and Halifax, Ontario cities Ottawa, Durham, Waterloo, North Bay, Port Hope, Brampton and Mississauga are experimenting with similar systems. "Before any recommendations are made about ...

Cool New Rally-Style MTB Event in Ontario
August 25, 2011 – Do you like to ride a bike and have fun? Do you like single track? Great, we have a fun event for you! The Ontario Mountain Bike Rally merges ...

Off road shootout hits Gopher Dunes Tillsonburg News
... the top off-road and the local pro motocross racers in Ontario. The course is going to be a tough combination of the full 1.7 kilometre national motocross course, mixed with more than 10 km of fast wood trails along with manufactured obstacles. ..

U of T engineers design bicycle that can top 100 km/h
Toronto Star
France, the USA, the Netherlands, and Toronto. On a humid summer night, Victor Ragusila greets the other members of the University of Toronto human powered vehicle design team with a wave of his greasy hand at the team's College St. workshop, ...
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High Winds Affects Trails | Ontario Geocaching Association
Users are urged to remain off the trails for the next few days to allow crews time to clear the debris, although the trails will remain open. ...

Montreal Gazette
(For many reasons, intersections can be about as dangerous for cyclists as for bipeds. Morency says 62 per cent of cycling injuries requiring ambulance trips occur at intersections.) Most intersections with the extra-long crosswalks were designed ... 
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Patricia Dumais training for this year's RONA MS Bike Tour.
Westmount Examiner
"On day two, our 72-kilometre ride takes us over to Ottawa, along the river and into theOntario countryside." The cyclists then take a ferry at Masson back to Buckingham. Dumais raised $1749.69 last year and is more than halfway to reaching this ...
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Metro Detroit's Watery Future
Metromode Media
"Economic development authorities are refocusing people on coastal tourism," she says. The Lake St. Clair Water Trail, a 45-mile kayak and canoe course ..

EMC St. Lawrence
Play in the Park- Ontario Early Years- for children 0-6 years and their ... 4th ATV Poker Run for MS- Sat Aug 27, registration 10-12 noon. Rain/shine. 

Walk for someone who cannot, Fundraiser for ALS research, programs and ...
EMC St. Lawrence
"My story starts with going to a theatre downtown with my girlfriend in January, walking across Bay Street (in Toronto) from where I parked the car - I got half-way across and my legs wouldn't move." (From the cold wind.) "My friend helped me across ...
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Bumps in the night: CNE Walking Ghost Tours (Includes first-hand ...
Be careful when you're walking the grounds of the CNE in Toronto, you may be walking alongside a soldier who fought in the War of 1812.

Toronto Tours
Toronto is a big city, with much to explore. ... Ontario Museum offers guided walking tours throughToronto neighbourhoods of architectural and historic interest....

Bigger & Better
Brantford Expositor
By MICHELLE RUBY, EXPOSITOR STAFF A $40000 Celebrate Ontario grant means that ... Martin is expecting several thousand people to attend this year's event...

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