Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Ontario Trails - Ski, Sled, Hike, Bike or Paddle Ontario's Trails

The 6th Annual Snowshoe Raid: Navigating Ontario's Blue Mountains
Snowshoe Magazine
22 in Southern Ontario's Blue Mountains. “I wanted to start a snowshoe event in Ontario and I am an adventure racer at heart, so I thought including ...

Maitland Trail Association - Tuesday Trompers.  Every Tuesday.  Are you retired? Working shift work? Got some time off from work?  A work-athome parent?  Perhaps you are interested in having a specific time and place during the week where you could meet other 'walk -minded' people and walk in different locations - around the town/village, sections of the Maitland Trail or conservation areas for an approximately one hour hike/walk.  Group members with e-mail addresses are notified each week where the next week’s destination will be.  If you wish to be on this list, e-mail Al Sanders at various levels.

Best timeplace to buy ATV Ontario Fishing Community Home
Still looking for a 2 person capable ATV for the cottage trails in the Buckhorn area Cant decide between 2 UP or sidebyside ...

Canada Post to issue Chief Tecumseh stamp
Windsor Star
He played a key role in the capture of Fort Detroit in August 1812 and was killed the next year ...Experts from Heritage Canada, the Canadian War Museum...

Local naturalists join in on Christmas Bird Count
Orangeville Banner
Nearly 400 counts will be held in Canada — 125 in Ontario alone — this year. About 60 naturegroups will lead bird counts across the province; in 2010, ...

Walking With A Camera: Toronto Photo Walks: Orillia Weekend 4
Toronto Photo Walks: Orillia Weekend 4. 3. Okay, two highlights of the weekend were getting sunset and sunrise pictures. Sunset pictures on my end weren't that ...

Carolinian Canada Coalition - CCC is pleased to announce an opportunity for you to hire interns from The University of Western Ontario Masters of Environment and Sustainability (UWO MES) Summer Co-op Term. This is the fifth year where CCC has made funding available in conjunction with our university partners.

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