Sunday, December 11, 2011

Ontario Trails - Sled, Ski, Hike or Ride Ontario's Trails

Ontario Trails Council benefits from Trillium support
Crazy Al's Announces $2000 Klim Snowmobile Clothing ...
Ontario, Canada -- Crazy Al's, North America's #1 source for ... snowmobile tracks and studs, luggage, ATV seats and boxes, parts as well as an ...

Ontario Cross-Country Ski Trails | Facebook
Ontario Cross-Country Ski Trails | Facebook. ... To interact with Ontario CrossCountry Ski Trails you need to sign up for Facebook first. Sign Up. It's free and ...

Trailhead Ontario 2012
Join us for Our Trails Thinktank - the new OntarioRecreational Policy and it's impact on Trails - The re-alignment of tourism destination marketing organizations and their implementation of a trail tourism economy inspired sessions on Trail Tourism - bring your RTO to our roundtable! June 17-19, 2012.

Ontario Snowshoeing Trails - Wall | Facebook
Ontario Snowshoeing Trails - Ontario Trails Council | Facebook.

Waterford, Ontario

Aviva Community Fund

Voting for the Semi-Finals ends on Friday, December 16, 2011 at 12PM ET. 

The semi-final voting round lasts only 12 days, from Dec. 5-16. 

Just like previous rounds, you will have 15 votes to use.

However, you can still only vote for the same idea once per day (or 12 times). 

We encourage you to use your remaining votes towards other ideas, 

or, at the end of the round, you can choose to leave them unused.

Ski the Frost
This season The Ski Friends of the Frost Centre has entered a new phase – a partnership with the Township of Algonquin Highlands Trails Department.  The Trails Department is taking over the management, operations and maintenance of the ski trails.  The Ski Friends is providing support including some reporting of trail conditions, lighting fires in the warm-up shelters on weekends, and providing information to visitors i.e. being volunteer trail monitors. More...
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