Thursday, January 12, 2012

Ontario Trails - Ski, Sled, Hike, Bike or Paddle Ontario's Trails

Much to do this winter in North Hastings
Bancroft This Week
The Healthy Communities Fund is an Ontario Government initiative to assist community ... 14 at 10 am and continuing for ten weeks will be snowshoeing...

Winterfest promises to be a blast
The Beacon Herald
... snow bowling, snowshoeing, dog sled rides, a Bethel Church puppet tent, ... "We really do offer a premier festival in southwestern Ontario," he said. ...

Cross-country Skiing | Trailhead Ontario
WATERLOO REGIONSnowshoeing is gaining a solid footing among winter activities in the region. Once considered a crucial tool, assisting in the mobility of ...

Events - Ontario Trails Council
... or horseback riding. The Ontario Trails Council site is your place to start for trails throughoutOntario... Scarborough Cross Country Ski Club - Trail Events ...

40th Anniversary - Grand Valley Trails Association
Hike Ontario Summit 2012 and GVTA 40th Anniversary Celebrations. November 2, 3 & 4, 2012. Come celebrate with hiking friends from across Ontario. FRIDAY ...

Measure to boost bicycle safety debated
The Barrie Advance
Council received a letter from the Township of Carling in relation to Muskoka MPP Norm Miller's renewed attempt to introduce a bill to “enhance public safety for the motoring public and promote active transportation in Ontario...
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Toronto Walking Tour – Day 2 « Wanderlust
Last stop was Honest Ed's a bargain store which is a Toronto landmark. The garish lighting outside makes it look like a theatre. The inside is somewhat of a ...

THATS NOT A KAYAK | Royal Ontario Museum | Toronto
Kenneth Lister talks compares contemporary kayaks to the Inuit watercraft from which they got their name.

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