Thursday, February 9, 2012

Ontario Trails - Sled, Ski, Hike or Ride Ontario's Trails

Market research through social networking has limits
Brcic, “lead guide” and owner of Sacred Rides Mountain Bike Adventures, ... a marketing professor at the Rotman School of Management in Toronto.

Yeti snowshoe race at Nordicfest
The Barrie Advance
It was the first Yeti race in Ontario, and was part of the Nordic Fest day at the caves. Timothy Gliick These will be some big steps to follow in the snow. On Saturday, Scenic Caves Nature Adventures hosted Ontario's first Yeti Snowshoe race as part of ...
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2011 Census: The lure of Ottawa Regina couple chose the capital as ...
Ottawa Citizen
... trailing Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver and just 21000 people ahead of ... The couple also enjoys biking on the trails along the Ottawa River.

Ski route gets green light
A District Municipality of Muskoka committee has given its stamp of approval to the OntarioFederation of School Athletic Associations' request to close Huntsville's main drag for cross-country ski races. The organization is hosting the Ontario Nordic ...
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As you may be aware, Ontario manufacturers must promote growth by transitioning to a more sustainable business model through enhancing productivity, integrating new and innovative technologies to products and / or processes that include alternative energy and clean technology considerations for future prosperity and global trade and export opportunities.The 2012 - 2014 SMART Prosperity Now funding initiative is about fostering the long term growth for small-medium sized businesses.

This $18.9 million in funding will support up to 500 companies through 2014 to create the adaption and adoption of new technologies to enhance productivity improvements among small to medium-sized manufacturers in southern Ontario.CME is holding a series of FREE workshops in various areas for folks to come out and hear about the program and how to apply for funding.

Terry Adamo
Manager, Policy & Administration, CME Ontario
Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters
6725 Airport Road, Suite 200
Mississauga ON  L4V 1V2
Tel: 905-672-3466 ext. 3257
Fax: 905-672-1764

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