Saturday, April 21, 2012

Ontario Trails - Ride, Paddle, Hike or Bike Ontario's Trails

The Oak Ridges Moraine Trail - From Dream to Reality
ECO/Huff Strategy (press release)
Efforts to establish a trail along the Oak Ridges Moraine first began in 1973 when the Ontario TrailRiders' Association founded the Great Pine Equestrian Trail, which was located primarily along existing roads and road allowances.
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Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources chooses Mechtronix FFT X
Canadian Skies
Scientific research is conducted and the findings are applied to develop effective resourcemanagement policies. The Ministry also manages Ontario's Crown land, promotes economic opportunities in the resource sector and enhances opportunities for ...
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Conservation Ontario 2012 O i t ti 2012 Orientation
Conservation Ontario (Network). Outline of Presentation. • Conservation Ontario ( Network). – Mandate, Objectives, Background. • Conservation Ontario ...

Hitting the trail for Oxfam Canada
Globe and Mail
When Toronto lawyer Randy Pepper lived in Hong Kong in the 1980s, a friend introduced him to a unique and gruelling fundraising event. The British army had started something in 1981 called the “trailwalker” a 100-kilometre endurance test across Hong ...
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Urban Planet: Scoring Walk Score « Spacing Toronto
Launched in 2007, Walk Score is a popular website for evaluating the walkability of a particular address or neighbourhood. Embraced (for the most part) by both ...

Join my 2012 Toronto Walk to Fight Arthritis Team!! « Life's an ...
I'm the volunteer chair of the Toronto Walk to Fight Arthritis so of course, I'm trying to recruit a huge team of friends, family and readers to join with me to support ...

Trail Education Courses -  23 Sessions and Counting We have it all - 14 modules - and soon On-Line! Book Today.

Course Calendar  - click the link on the course name to download the flyer for that course!

Register - click on your choice, register on-line

Courses are for information and knowledge exchange purposes only. All courses are offered on a first come first serve basis. Instructors reserve the right to limit class sizes. Courses may be offered more than once in the calendar year. Some minimum student levels are necessary to run certain courses, so offered courses may change without notice.

Road to the Olympics: Mike Tayler new face of slalom kayaking
Ottawa Citizen
Ottawa Orienteering Club athletes excelled at the United States ... win gold medals during theOntario Cup girls' U14 major bantam basketball championships: ...

Street Smarts: Onwards and upwards on Toronto's waterfront
National Post
There will also be new employment, promising to bring more activity to the neighbourhood even in ...The Martin Goodman Trail will be extended alongside, ...

Plans scaled back after funding denied for several events at NOTL's War of ...
Bullet News Niagara
The Horse Guard parade, a military sunset performance and the Niagara Symphony performance at Fort George were all affected by the denial of funding through the Department of Canadian Heritage's 1812 Commemoration Fund. “The feds clearly outlined their ...
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Next steps taken in Downtown Master Plan
The city is taking the next steps in its Master Plan to transform the downtown into the biggest, brightest and best downtown in northern Ontario. File photo. City council has set staff on the next leg of their journey to transform downtown Sudbury into ...
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Cycling club starting up - Timmins Daily Press - Ontario, CA
Mountain bike rides will be at the 655 Hwy. trail head at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday and Thursdays (junction of Hwy. 655 and Ross). This year we would like...

Burlington cyclist in hospital with severe head trauma
Dennis noted the cyclist was not wearing a helmet. “As an adult you're not legally required to wear one (helmet) but I know when I go out with my kids we all wear one.” Everyone under the age of 18 inOntario is legally required to wear a helmet while ...

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