Thursday, July 26, 2012

Ontario Trails Education Program News - Forward the Flyer to a Friend

Interactive Flyer!
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We have produced an introduction letter, a course postcard, a press release, calendar, facebook page and registration pages.This week we are pleased to offer a flyer, all you have to do is download, add the recipients name and send! Or if you prefer send them this e-mail!

Upcoming Course: Provincial Legislation and Trails

This program will provide participants with a broad exposure to the key pieces of legislation they should be aware of in advance of starting to build a trail. This course will be delivered as a one day, full day program. There are several key pieces of legislation in Ontario that affect the development, management and operation of trails. Volunteers and professionals involved in this field should be aware of these pieces of legislation and their relevance to the trails community.

We will address these items through presentations on the legislation and case law, and interactive case studies and discussion to demonstrate the scope of the law and the resulting rights and obligations under the legislation. This course is designed to make trail builders and managers aware of the impact legislations have on the development and management of their trails.


Learn more at

Instructor: Kathy Wiele

kathy wiele
Kathy Wiele, BRLS, DPA, MPA (in progress), President of Lifetime Consulting Services, has consulted to governments, local, provincial and national across Ontario and Canada for 30 years. Kathy has recently completed research in mitigating risk for trails as part of her Masters in Public Administration program, which will be distributed through the Ontario Trails Council in the near future.

Course Information

September 6, 2012
8:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Wasaga Rec PLex
1724 Mosely St.
Wasaga Beach, L9Z 1Z8

$130.00 plus HST


The Current Calendar

Volunteer ManagementView PDF November 20, 2012North GrenvilleDiana Smyth$130.00 + HST
Business Planning and BudgettingView PDF September 27, 2012Sulphur Springs Conservation AuthorityBob MacFarland$130.00 + HST
LegislationView PDF/Doc September  6, 2012Wasaga BeachKathy Weile$130.00 + HST
View PDF November 15, 2012North GrenvilleKathy Weile$130.00 + HST
Ecosystem and Natural HeritageView PDF November 8, 2012North GrenvilleScott Laver$130.00 + HST
View PDF December 3, 2012TBDScott Laver$130.00 + HST
Wilderness First AidView PDF October 11, 12, 2012Sulphur Springs Conservation AuthorityPaul Torsitano$250.00 + HST
Food and NutritionView PDF November 27, 2012North GrenvilleRenee Bernardi-Ronan$110.00 + HST
Marketing and PromotionView PDF September 20, 2012Sulphur Springs Conservation AuthorityChris Hughes$356.00 + HST
View PDF October 18, 2012The Great Waterway Offices - KingstonChris Hughes$356.00 + HST
View PDF November 22, 2012North GrenvilleChris Hughes$356.00 + HST
Health and SafetyView PDF November 27, 2012North GrenvilleMike Goodyear$130.00 + HST
Technology for Trails - Level 1View PDF September 29, 2012University of Guelph, Ridgetown CampusRick Gray$130.00 + HST
Trail Risk ManagementView PDF September 20 and 21, 2012Albion Hills Conservation AuthorityMatt Crutchett with Direct Bearing$210.00 + HST
View PDF November 28-29, 2012CollingwoodMatt Crutchett with Direct Bearing$210.00 + HST


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