Thursday, September 13, 2012

Ontario Trails - Ontario Trail Projects, Surveys and Ontario Trail News

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Surveys - Trail Priorities!

Trail Priorities - How do you determine which projects, which planners, who does what and how the OTC can work to support you. New August 17, 2012 - next meeting Sept 11 or 12.

Trail Reform Now - Legislative, legal, operational, management and use - and - the Ontario Trails Strategy - tell us about the changes you'd like to see  to make putting trails on the ground easier.

Economic Impact of Recreational Trails - Ever wonder about the value of trails? This survey questions how communities value and communicate that value to the public, government and other stakeholders

Membership Survey- This survey gives members the chance to comment on our services so that we remain in step with meeting your needs.

Bruce Trail Day September 30, 2012

Bruce Trail Day is an annual event celebrating Canada's oldest and longest footpath, hosted by the Bruce Trail Conservancy and each of its nine Bruce Trail Clubs.
Each Club of the Bruce Trail Conservancy is hosting free guided hikes and family activities to help you explore the Bruce Trail, discover the amazing variety of life along the Niagara Escarpment, and celebrate 50 years since the Bruce Trail began.
Fifty years ago, a phenomenal amount of work and effort was dedicated to mapping, clearing and blazing the Bruce Trail. This year we celebrate the first maps, the first blazes, the first Clubs, and all the work that went into putting the Bruce Trail on the ground and eventually led to its official opening in 1967.
Why not make this your year to (re)discover the Bruce Trail?
Come and learn about our year-round hiking programs, trail maintenance opportunities, and what we are doing to establish a conservation corridor from Niagara to Tobermory.Click Here for Full Details

Help Us Grow Carolinian Canada

Feel free to forward this Eco-News to help 'grow' our community of people who care about the unique nature of Carolinian Canada. To receive Carolinian Canada Eco-News, click here. There is no obligation and we will not share your e-mail with anyone else. We are a registered charity.

Thank you to our generous partners, sponsors and contributors who support Carolinian Canada Eco-News and other vital programs to green the future of southwestern Ontario.

Our Vision is to protect and restore the unique nature of southwestern Ontario's Carolinian Life Zone through effective collaboration and researched understanding for healthy, balanced and sustainable landscapes.

Yours in Conservation,

Michelle Kanter ______________________________________________________________

Cycling charity 'Ride for Karen' gives back while pedaling
10, 2012 /CNW/ - Cyclists from across Ontario took to the roads through valleys and farmlands north of Toronto on Sunday for the 11th annual Ride for Karen, a charity bike ride that has raised more than $1.8 million to help send children with cancer to ...
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Cyclist killed in Highway 17 crash near Petawawa
Ottawa Citizen
OTTAWA — A cyclist was killed in an early morning crash with a tractor-trailer on Highway 17 in Petawawa, according to Ontario Provincial Police. Both were travelling east on the highway near Paquette Road when they collided around 6:30 a.m. Monday ...
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Ontario Trails Mtbr Forums
This is a centralised thread to compile riding info about Ontario trails. A number of threads come up about great riding destinations, but then that.
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