Monday, October 8, 2012

Ontario Trails - World's Best Variety of Trail Experiences on Ontario Trails

City Pilots Ontario Trails Activity Project
October 2 2012 In a collaborative effort with theOntario TrailsCouncil the City of Thunder Bay Parks Division has initiated an innovative trail use survey ...

Zombie Walk Toronto 2011 Wedding 0967 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
The 2012 Toronto Zombie Walk is coming Oct 20th at City Hall. I'll be posting some shots I neglected to post last year as a Zombie warm up between now and ...

Niagara Gorge

Economic Impact of Cycle Tourism in Ontario - Transportation Options
In 2010, 2 million Canadian/Ontario visitors participated in cycling actvities in Ontario... In 2010,Ontario attracted 38% of Canadian visitors who went cycling ...

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The Fixer: Low curbs on Sherbourne St. bike lanes invite drivers to park on them
Toronto Star
“We'd like parking enforcement do a real blitz the first couple of months after they're open to make sure drivers get the idea,” said Jared Kolb, Cycle Toronto's director of campaigns and membership. The lane on the west side is almost finished between ...
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Why aren't bicycle helmets mandatory?
Sault Star
Earlier this year, Ontario's chief coroner released a report that recommended, among other things, the implementation of mandatory helmet legislation for cyclists of all ages. But there's no action yet. Helmets for all cyclists is something Dr. Charles ...
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Hi everyone,

Another very important meeting to highlight the need for mountain bikers to voice their wish for mountain biking (think Bike Park) to be included in the master plan.

Please spread the word!

The City of Toronto is hosting a public meeting where you can learn more about the Beare Road Park Master Plan project, and provide your input on its new Master Plan.

We invite you to join u

s at the first public meeting.

Date: Thursday, October 11, 2012

Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Location: Blessed Mother Teresa Catholic Secondary School, 40 Sewells Road, Toronto, ON M1B 3G5

RSVP is appreciated but not required. If you are able to attend please RSVP by email to

At the meeting on October 11, the Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation project team will give a presentation that includes background information about the site and the existing conditions. Parks Canada will also be at the meeting to provide an update on the neighbouring proposed Rouge National Urban Park and their consultation process.

The City of Toronto will specifically be seeking feedback regarding the vision that users and residents have for the park, guiding principles that should influence park design, and the consultation process. Other public meetings will follow as the plan progresses.

The venue is wheelchair accessible. Please request any additional accommodations necessary when you RSVP. We look forward to meeting with you.




Trail Education
Our event calendar shows weekly adjustments to our course offerings. It also provides links to course information, in PDF flyer format, registration, and location of course through a google map or other means.

Be sure to use our array of press or other flyers to circulate to your local papers or possible attendees. All available for use - call - 877-668-7245 or 519-941-8911, or 1-866-560-7783

Ontario Trails Mobile App

    • Local Trail News 

    • Trail Education Program

    • Trail Heros

    • Trailhead Ontario

    • Activity and User Updates

     View it Here


To California with roses
Sarnia Observer
The Canadian Cowgirls feature female riders from across southwestern Ontario... The equestrian ambassadors from Chatham-Kent are taking their horses and ...

Ontario Equestrian Trail

Act now. Time is short: Save Ontario's Algoma Region
A draft Renewable Energy on Crown Land policy has been developed to provide updated direction on how the government will manage Crown land to supportOntario's renewable energy needs while balancing the social, economic, and ecological interests ...
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