Saturday, November 24, 2012

Ontario Trails - Lot's of Weekend Outdoor Acivities to Explore on Ontario Trails!

Ontario Trail Membership
Membership renewals for 2013 are going out December 1st, 2012 We are sending them to you as our contact person - but is there someone else that has to absolutely get the invoice in your organization? We wish to make sure they land on the right desk! Board members or staff will be calling to confirm over the next weeks.

OTC Membership is Value for Money: How do we stack up? This year we will have 1,000,000 unique visitors to the OTC website. For trails there is no other leader - not even nationally - and I quote from Context Creative:

"ComScore is a leading analytics organization that provides industry standard rankings used by many companies to assess their performance and investments in the digital world; many agency planners only go off ComScore numbers in their media buying initiatives. There are a couple of other trail sites as well, but Suite66 wasn't able to locate another one big enough to be reported in ComScore. So this is also impressive that OTC is present there.
For the month of September 2012, Canadian stats: 65,764 UVs (Unique Views) / 329,511 PVs (Page Views)
ComScore reports the following for comparison:
national outdoor org  50,440 UV’s / 249,000 PV’s
national geographic org:  41,000 UV’s / 114,000 PV’s"

So please tell you administrators that even in terms of a couple of hundred dollars in marketing expense, more people will see and use your trails because of your presence on the OTC website. The site is no longer supported by the province - so we need your financial support to manage, update and improve the site every day! Join Today - Use Paypal!

Clean up Muskoka's trails
... hiking and cross-country skiing trails. Help us to clean up the trails you enjoy. The Parry Sound Muskoka Green Party of Ontario Local Constituency ...(The OTC doesn't endorse any political party, but this is an important local event).

Remember if attended either of tonight's...
True North Climbing 12:37am Nov 25
Remember if attended either of tonight's shows, your ticket stub is worth $5 off the purchase of a 10-visit pass to True North Climbing, from now until the end of the year. You can use
Map Here
2 ticket stubs per 10-pass purchased. Each 10-visit pass is valid for one year from the date of purchase, and can be shared with friends you bring with you to the gym. Or two or more climbers can be set up to draw from the same 10 visits.

Trailhead Ontario:June 9-11, 2013Our Favourite PlacePeterborough, Ontario.

Our Plan for 2013 – We are working with the full support of  Our Favorite Place (RTO8), Peterborough and the Kawartha’s Tourism and a number of local trails groups to bring you the best Trailhead Ontario yet!. There are a lot of new trails and trail tourism partnerships in RTO8. The Ontario Trails “Trailhead Ontario 2013″ Committee is  is pleased to announce the Holiday Inn Waterfront Peterborough as the location of our conferencing. Site locations for our trail education program are being determined now.
New for 2013 -Regional Tourism development includes trails. Trail packages, trail experiences, trail destinations. This takes a blending of major destinations, natural topographies, parks, conservation, county forest and up to 18 different trail activities. What’s in your “Trail Mix”? What’s our plan for marketing this unique matrix of dynamic outdoor experiences so that the world can find the world’s best range of trail fun right here at home. 

Supported by the Ontario Trillium Foundation

Trails Activity Locator Maps

Map Here

Map Here

Map Here

Map Here

Map Here

Map Here

Map Here

Map Here

Map Here

Map Here

Sign Up Today
Be sure to sign up for the weekly OTC Newsletter " Trailwise" you can sign up at the link through the picture to the right. 
Or if you prefer download a recent copy from the OTC Website - Here



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