Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Ontario Trails - News from all over Ontario Trails!

Ontario proposes expanding GTA Greenbelt
Ontario is proposing expanding the Greenbelt for the first time since it was created seven years ago. The move could even see river valleys in Toronto added to the ring of protected land around the GTA. The Greenbelt was created in 2005 as a measure to ...
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How To Ride Your Bike Through a Toronto Winter
Winter is on the way, meaning soon you'll have no choice but to stop riding your bike and start spending a bunch of money on TTC fare until the weather gets nicer. Or, you know, you could not do that. If you've never biked through a winter before, now ...
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Derailed: A Fundraiser Dance Party | Community Bicycle Network
Dust off your dancing shoes and join Cycle Toronto Derailed: A Fundraiser Dance Party. Friday, November 23, 2012 8:00pm until 1:30am. Dust off your dancing ... 

Starting up Cycle Toronto Ward 18 Group | Junction Triangle
Starting up the Ward 18 group again! Hello Ward 18 cyclists (and anyone interested in Ward 18 cycling)! There's a lot going on in the ward and a lot of ...



Drinking_HorseDid you know veterinarians often receive more calls pertaining to Colic in the Fall and Winter months?  Find our why and what you can do in your management routine to help combat colic.

Equine Canada Invites Nominations for 2012 National Awards

Ottawa, Ontario, November 16, 2012 - As the competition season draws to a close, Equine Canada would like to remind everyone of the nomination deadline for the Equine Canada Nation
al Awards and the importance of nominating those whom you feel are worthy of such distinguished, national recognition.

There are eight annual, national awards recognizing individuals who have made a significant impact in the Canadian equestrian community.

Official award criteria and nomination forms can be found on Equine Canada's website at or by calling 613-248-3433 x 111.
Horses -  

Rural communities in Wellington County are constantly seeking to increase economic activity. The horse industry has been one of the major forms supporting economic growth in rural Ontario. This research will investigate the potential for horse trail system development in Wellington County. The resu...
Equine Canada is the leading national sport and equine organization in the country. It fulfills a broad range of governance, advocacy and development functions, all of which focus, in one way or another, on the horse and draw on the enthusiasm it arouses. As a result of its efforts, Equine Canada is recognized by Sport Canada and the Féderation Equestre Internationale (FEI) as the national governing body for equestrian sport and recreation in Canada. It is the industry sector leader, and as such is recognized and supported by Agriculture and Agri-food Canada. In particular, its leadership in improving both the quality and condition of horses is lauded at home and abroad.

Equine Canada is currently seeking a new Chief Executive Officer to lead the organization and the implementation of its new strategic plan, One Vision.

Closing Date: Friday, November 30, 2012, 5 pm (Eastern Standard Time)
If you are ready for a challenge and to lead our national organization, please submit your resume, references and salary expectations, in confidence, to:
Mike Gallagher, President
Equine Canada
2685 Queensview Drive, Suite 100 Ottawa, ON K2B 8K2

Joint Hike with High Park Ski club.jpg

Toronto Bruce Trail Club (TBTC) and High Park Ski Club (HPSC)
Joint Hike at Devil's Glen Provincial Park.

This is a location common to both clubs. The hike was organized by Stan Gasner of the TBTC and George Lorenz of the HPSC and was attended by 32 hikers who braved the wet conditions.
The hike was a great success and would have been better attended had the weather cooperated as we had 51 registered, several as walk-ons. The general consensus was to repeat the event next year. Cheers Stan

Trailhead Ontario:June 9-11, 2013Our Favourite PlacePeterborough, Ontario.

Our Plan for 2013 – We are working with the full support of  Our Favorite Place (RTO8), Peterborough and the Kawartha’s Tourism and a number of local trails groups to bring you the best Trailhead Ontario yet!. There are a lot of new trails and trail tourism partnerships in RTO8. The Ontario Trails “Trailhead Ontario 2013″ Committee is  is pleased to announce the Holiday Inn Waterfront Peterborough as the location of our conferencing. Site locations for our trail education program are being determined now.
New for 2013 -Regional Tourism development includes trails. Trail packages, trail experiences, trail destinations. This takes a blending of major destinations, natural topographies, parks, conservation, county forest and up to 18 different trail activities. What’s in your “Trail Mix”? What’s our plan for marketing this unique matrix of dynamic outdoor experiences so that the world can find the world’s best range of trail fun right here at home. 

Supported by the Ontario Trillium Foundation

Trails Activity Locator Maps

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Sign Up Today
Be sure to sign up for the weekly OTC Newsletter " Trailwise" you can sign up at the link through the picture to the right. 
Or if you prefer download a recent copy from the OTC Website - Here


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