Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Ontario Trails News - check out all the trails in Ontario -

Performance Measures - Trail Counts!
ontario trails counts

Low maintenance - Using weatherproof decals our methods allow users to quickly and easily provide you with information you need to assess, improve, direct, re-direct, or provide information to the user - while on the trail. Our proprietary method has been developed by over 140 trail users and with the input of The City of Thunder Bay and Norfolk County Trail Managers.

Packages - OTC Member? - Take $25.00 off each package!
  • Blue - 4-10 trails:  $300.00 plus HST and registration fees
    • Maximum 20 sheets of decals
  • Green - 10-20 trails: $500.00 plus HST and registration fees
    • Maximum 40 sheets of decals
  • Gold - 20 or more trails: Starting at $1,000 plus HST and registration fees
Go to Trail Counts! to purchase. Thanks

2013 Call for Applications Great Lakes Guardian Community Fund
Ontario is providing grants to help communities take action to protect and restore their corner of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River Basin.
This is the second call for applications under the Great Lakes Guardian Community Fund. Grants are available for projects that take place in Ontario within the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River Basin. The basin includes: Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake Ontario, Lake Superior, the St. Lawrence River, the Ottawa River, their connecting channels, and their watersheds. Examples of projects that could qualify include:
  • Planting trees to restore stream banks
  • Protecting and restoring sensitive and degraded natural habitats by managing the flow of storm water runoff
  • Protecting traditional harvesting areas from invasive species by using traditional ecological knowledge
You can receive a grant of up to $25,000 grant for your project. Smaller projects are also encouraged. Applications for funding will be accepted until April 26, 2013 at 5:00 p.m. E.D.T. Information on the fund, including the application guide, form, frequently asked questions and 2012 grant recipients, is available at

Trailhead Ontario - Updates
trailhead ontario

June 9-12, 2013 - Peterborough

Join trail advocates, organizations, speakers, builders, use groups, volunteers, planners and regulators as we discuss, learn and improve Ontario's Trails

Program Snapshotclick image for all
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