Thursday, May 16, 2013

Trailwise - Ontario Trails News from the Ontario Trails Council

Weekly E-Bulletin of the Ontario Trails Council. The provincial trails association in Ontario. Week of May 16, 2013
saugeen rail trail
• Education • News • Updates • Sharing
•  Requests • Meetings • Activity
Trail News
Toronto Meeting makes headway for City trails
toronto trails committee

Ontario Trails Education: new Module in Development
ontario trails courses

Niagara Trails Committee notes Niagara Regional Police Advisory
niagara trails committee

Toronto Trail Committee - Grey to Green DeclarationThe Ontario Trails Council is pleased to have been added as a declaration signatory member. OTC will be at on May 21m 2013 at 1:00pm signing the declaration in support of greenways and active living trails from all over Ontario!
‘Living Green Infrastructure Declaration’ supports healthier, more sustainable communities
Toronto, ON - Wednesday May 15, 2013: An online Living Green Infrastructure Declaration has been created to encourage government and the private sector to plan and build greener, healthier, more beautiful communities. Living green infrastructure advocates, including Ontario Parks Association, Green Roofs for Healthy Cities, Ontario LEAF and Landscape Ontario, are encouraging citizens from across North America to show their support for living green infrastructure by signing the Declaration.
Living green infrastructure includes urban forests, green roofs and walls, green streets and spaces including parks and engineered wetlands, rain gardens, water harvesting and other technologies which provide public and private economic benefits while increasing urban resilience.
The Declaration will be presented to policy makers, planners and developers in markets across North America once a critical mass of signatures are secured. Read the declaration: Sign the Living Green Infrastructure Declaration:

Healthy Hikes - May 1-31, 2013conservation ontario healthy hikes

Evergreen - Ride the Ravinesride the ravines
Hastings Opportunities for Tourism gets OTC supporthastings opportunities in tourism
hastings opportunity in tourism

Ganaraska Trail - Wednesday Walksganaraska trail wednesday walks

Chatham Kent Trail Opening May 18th, 2013trail grand opening chatham kent

Summer Fun Guide Lists Ontario Trails by region!
summer fun guide

Discuss Ontario's Tourist Trail at Trailhead OntarioLonely Planet seems to be able to package the idea.
tourist trail

Great Waterfront Trail Adventure 2013 - Lake Erie
great waterfront trail adventure

100's of trail stories posted each week!
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