Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Ontario Trails Council Northern Member Media Opportunity

Hi - OTC has agreed to develop an 8-week program schedule with CBC-SRC regarding trails in Northern Ontario.

The geographic area to be covered is north from Sudbury to Hearst to Thunder Bay. However I see they have included Temiskaming as well.

Each Wednesday for 5-7 minutes.

Presenter must speak french - I'd do it but my french is not passable for radio.

We do not have membership from Voyageur Trail, SSM, Thunder Bay, Pukasaw, Temiskaming Shores, Nastawgan, Agawa Canyon, Marathon etc.

So if you represent trails in areas other than these places this would be your chance to showcase yourself to Northern Ontario.

Please contact me if you would like to craft some speaking notes on your trail (or trails to be highlighted).

If you wish to join to be considered or, have some trails you wish to showcase, e-mail me and I'll share the outline and additional requirements.

ASAP as they wish to start in about two weeks. 613-396-3226

Merci bien.
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