Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Ontario Trails News - Elk Lake Eco Centre, Toronto Trails and more!

Elk Lake Eco-Centre Trails

Toronto Trails Committee

Ontario Trails and Ontario Equestrian Federation launch horse survey
ontario horse survey
Download the Map App!

ontario trails mobile app
What a fantastic app! I am always looking for new trails near home and while camping and this will make it so much easier! I love the level of detail... length, difficulty, terrain, photos etc. I've read some negative reviews complaining about the map coverage and the omission of some trails...But I find it quite fine for my needs and there are usually links to the appropriate trail association's website for those requiring a higher level of detail. I think it's a great starting point for when you want to get an idea of what's around you but you don't want to waste several hours doing internet research. And there are many, many trails in Ontario; I'm not surprised if they aren't all included in the very first edition of this app. I'm sure Ontario Trails will be more than happy to include any missed trails that people bring to their attention. Personally, though, I find the current listings to be quite comprehensive. Great work Ontario Trails!
Super app 
by szturmowka
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