Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Ontario Trail News - information and activity updates from all over Ontario's trails!

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Trails Symposium, meant to inform and inspire
Carol Oitment from the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture & Sport opened the day with an overview of theOntario Trails Strategy and provincial ...
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Conservation Authorities Can Help You Learn About Your Watershed to Celebrate Canada Water ...
NEWMARKET (March 17, 2014) Through our watershed report cards, source protection information and a new website, Ontario's 36 Conservation ...
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Greens Mountain Recreational Master Plan
Notice of Stakeholder Meetings

Thank you for your interest in the Greens Mountain Recreational Master Plan planning process.

Stakeholders with a potential interest in the Greens Mountain area are invited to attend a series of meetings over the next few weeks to provide their input for the planning and development of recreational areas and facilities.

These meetings have been organized into groups with similar interests in order to better understand the needs, desires and concerns of each group and their vision for Greens Mountain.

The municipality has developed a focus for the development of outdoor experiences over the next five years which is outlined in the Highlands East Strategic Plan . Click here for a copy.

Below is a list of input meetings:

Location: McCausland Centre - Gooderham
Off Highway VehiclesMonday, March 31 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm AGENDA
Business & Tourism
Tuesday, April 1 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm
General Public MeetingThursday April 3 - 7:00pm to 9:00pmAGENDA
Non-Motorized UsersMonday April 7 - 7:00pm to 9:00pmAGENDA
Special Interest GroupsTuesday April 8 - 7:00pm to 9:00pmAGENDA
Adjacent LandownersThursday April 10 - 7:00pm to 9:00pmAGENDA

The meeting agendas, also easily accessed through this link, are for your review and to assist you in preparing for the meeting.  If you cannot attend, please ensure another representative is able to participate in the meeting. These initial consultations are intended to learn more about your needs and desires as well as your thoughts about how to better manage recreation at Greens Mountain.

An on-line community survey will be posted on the Municipality of Highlands East website prior to the meetings. Please take a few moments to complete the survey.

We are also seeking one primary contact from each stakeholder group to participate in a user group questionnaire to gain more specific information about their organization. If you are the primary contact CLICK HERE or please forward this email to them.
David A Clark Consulting Inc.
Greens Mountain Recreational Master Plan

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