Saturday, April 19, 2014

Ontario Trail News - a viewpoint on the CycleON Strategy

Healthy Kids Welcomes CycleON Strategy Funding 

Good Afternoon,
I am writing to share some exciting information that supports our commitment to health promotion and demonstrates the ongoing collaboration between several ministries.
This week the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) released #CycleON Action Plan 1.0, the first of ongoing series of multi-year action plans for implementing Ontario's Cycling Strategy. You may know that in September 2013, MTO released #CycleON: Ontario’s Cycling Strategy to outline the government’s 20-year vision for cycling in the province. Both Ontario’s Cycling Strategy and the associated Action Plan 1.0 were developed after extensive consultations, which I know some of you had the opportunity to participate in.
The Cycling Strategy’s Action Plan features MOHLTC initiatives including the Healthy Kids Community Challenge, the Healthy Communities Fund and the ongoing work of Public Health Units. The Action Plan is now posted on the MTO website and can be accessed by clicking here. As part of the Action Plan 1.0, the MTO also announced, subject to the Budget being passed, funding over three years that will help municipalities expand their local cycling routes and support connections for a future provincial cycling network. More details can be accessed here.
We are very supportive of the work of MTO, and the ongoing collaboration between over twelve ministries and agencies as it aligns with our health promotion and chronic disease prevention objectives, and the government’s commitment to provide the people of Ontario with safe, healthy, active transportation choices.
Thank you,
Kate Manson-Smith
Assistant Deputy Minister
Health Promotion Division
Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
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