Thursday, June 19, 2014

Ontario Trail News - Toronto study, website updates and more about Ontario Trails

Ontario Trails Council Website Refresh - some hints

Due to recent upgrades to the OTC website you can now search the entire site for a particular record or item of interest. Let's say you wanted a copy of the Ontario Trails Strategy.

In the search box, where it says search term, at the top type in a term like "trail plans"; then click on the magnifying glass.

We hope this improves awareness and use of all the documents we've collected over the years to improve conditions on trails in Ontario through better communication.

Sample return below:


Tourism Industry in Consultation!

A 5 yr Review of the Sorbara Report

The Tourism Industry Association of Ontario (TIAO) is pleased to announce a province-wide consultation process that will result in a status update on the tourism competitiveness study: “Discovering Ontario: A Report on the Future of Tourism.” The report, released in the spring of 2009, contained four broad strategies and twenty specific recommendations to rejuvenate the industry.

One of the twenty recommendations identified in the report was the need for a single tourism industry association....a recommendation fulfilled by TIAO, which is now recognized as the umbrella trade association in Ontario. Given this role, the Ministry asked TIAO to lead this important consultation process which has been dubbed “TIAO Listens” in order to clearly communicate the primary objective: obtaining industry feedback.

Member Profile - Horse Country Campground

Just imagine a relaxing and scenic trail ride with your horse through pristine Ottawa Valley landscapes, quaint forest trails and perhaps even some “horse swimming” in the Ottawa River! That is what awaits you on a day trip to Horse Country Campground.

Saddle up by yourself or bring along some friends to Wilderness Tours Resort in the heart of the Whitewater Region of Eastern Ontario’s scenic Ottawa Valley.

Upon arrival we will set you up in a suitable parking spot with plenty of room. Once you and your horse are saddled up to hit the trail a Horse Country representative will provide you with maps, instructions and tips on making your trail ride fun and safe.

What to expect on your trail ride? How about a discovery of the beauty of the last preserved section of the mighty Ottawa River on horseback enjoying beautiful views and scenic trails as you discover the wonder of a 6,000-acre conservation area an hour West of Ottawa.

Whatever your schedule and choice a day at Horse Country will be a great vacation get-a-way for you… and your horse!  For more information please contact us at or Reserve Now.
Congratulations Rainbow Routes

June 14, 2014

Ms. Deb McIntosh
Rainbow Routes Trail Association

RE: Opening of New Section of Trail at Lake Laurentian Conservation

Dear Deb;

The Ontario Trails Council regrets that developing other regional trail and participation in provincial level tourism meetings on trails product development prevents us from attending in person today.

Nonetheless, we are pleased to bring greetings on the opening of your new section of trail. We express these congratulations on behalf of the tens of thousands of other community leaders and volunteers that work tirelessly to create trails in Ontario.

As the provincial trails organization we hear from 430 other communities with trail, all of whom recognize that the popularity of trails has never been greater.  Your ongoing efforts to make Sudbury a healthy, active community by developing and maintaining such a beautiful safe network of trails, is an example for other communities to follow.

The OTC is fully appreciative and wishes to acknowledge the unfailing local support of Ontario Trails Council Members, Rainbow Routes Trail Association, and Nickel District Conservation Authority, managers of Lake Laurentian Conservation Area, and Sudbury Region over the years.  Without your support the Ontario Trails Council, and such great local trails, would not exist.

We wish to acknowledge the Board of RRTA, you, the staff and volunteers that support the development of trails in your area. We follow you on social media, we advertise your trail, and over the years, Ontario Trails Council have funded programs and sought outside money to make your trails better and more livable!

In closing, the OTC wishes to thank the Provincial and Municipal leaders, the Rainbow Routes Trail Association and all its members and users for their ongoing efforts to further improve your trails, for all trail users.

Jack de Wit
President, Ontario Trails Council
East Don Trail Study - input sought

Project Update – May 2014

Since March 2013, fieldwork has been taking place in the study area.  The project team was planning to have all work completed this spring, however with a long and snowy winter survey crews experienced some difficulty getting to the site. The goal now is to complete field work:

·        topographical surveys and tree inventory in June; and
·        geotechnical surveys later this year.
Within the study area you may continue to see temporary orange painted markings and/or stakes in the ground. These markings will remain in place until the design work for the study has been completed.

Before selecting a preferred trail alignment for the next round of public consultation, the project team addressed requests from different stakeholders for a review of additional trail alignments in:
  • Area 1 (north end of the study area near Charles Sauriol Conservation Area);
  • Area 2 (middle of study near the Gatineau Hydro Corridor and Flemingdon Park Golf Club).
The requests were variations of trail alignments presented at the second public meeting last September. Given some of the concerns about impacts to either private property or the natural environment, the project team evaluated these additional trail alignments. A preferred trail alignment has been chosen to move forward to the next study phase and public consultation. Visit the East Don Trail Community Liaison Committee webpage under Meeting #5 for a complete list of trail alignments considered.
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