Sunday, August 24, 2014

Ontario Trails News - Trailwise

Niagara Falls Trails

The Park in the City Committee maintains a Trails and Cycling Page. On that page are various events, downloadable files and links to other related websites. The Trails Database is currently undergoing maintenance. For any trail related information or questions, please email Jeff Guarasci in our Recreation and Culture Department or call him at 905-356-7521 extension 3341.

Niagara Parks Commission

Enjoy over 50 km of trail from Old Fort Erie in the south to Niagara-on-the-Lake in the north. Stairways at the Niagara Glen Trail (pictured above) lead to 4 km (2.5 mi) of paths that wind through a pristine pocket of Carolinian Forest, past boulders left behind as the Falls eroded through the area thousands of years ago.

Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority

The Niagara Peninsula is one of the most unique and complex watersheds in Ontario. The NPCA is caretaker to over 2,870 hectares (7,091 acres) of some of the most unique and sensitive natural areas on the peninsula. Outdoor adventures can include natural history, spectacular views, unique trails, fascinating rock formations, sparkling water, and abundant wildlife. 

Nipigon/Red Rock

This 8.2 km hiking trail, which connects the Nipigon and Red Rock marinas, takes between 2 ½ to 3 hours to complete. The trail from Nipigon hugs the shoreline of the Nipigon River as far as Sawmill Point. This part of the trail is easy walking and affords the hiker a chance to view the wildlife on the river, including bald eagles, blue herons, peregrine falcon, pelicans, and a variety of waterfowl. Photo

Northumberland County Forest

The Northumberland County Forest is a 2 195 hectare (5 424 acre), multi-use forest and is managed for ecological conservation, recreation and timber harvesting. There have been many changes to the Northumberland County Forest's recreation program, so please be sure to read the information related to your activity. 
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