Thursday, August 27, 2015

Ontario Trails News - Trailhead Ontario, Renfrew County, Ontario Highlands Tourism Agree to support - June 2016

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Renfrew County and Ontario Highlands Tourism Organization agree to host Trailhead Ontario 2016

trailhead ontario 2016

Planning has begun for Trailhead Ontario 2106. Our hosts are Renfrew County and Ontario Highlands Tourism Organization. Both are long time Ontario Trails Council supporters, and Jason Davies from Renfrew sits on the OTC Board of Directors. The OHTO has been a long time partner with trails running such campaigns as the:

‘Tourism Starts with You’ Campaign

People on bicycles looking at a trail map
Exploring County Trails
The ‘Tourism Starts with You’ campaign is designed to bring the local community together to identify why Ontario’s Highlands is one of the premiere travel destinations in the province.
The campaign will ask the question, “what are the best things to see and do in the area”, and tourism operators, residents, former visitors, and the like will be able to submit their ideas to the OHTO’s website, and social media channels, such as Facebook and Twitter. This campaign will be promoted online and through local media, and a grand prize will be offered to encourage submissions.
This campaign will run into the summer, and may extend to the end of 2011 based on its popularity and success. When the campaign is completed, the OHTO will have an increased online audience, as well as heightened knowledge of what destinations are most valued by the local population. This can assist with future promotions.

A page capture from their website illustrates many of the outdoor and trail activities going on in the region

OTC partner Renfrew County

Forest TractThe County of Renfrew owns 51 separate tracts of land covering over 15,800 acres (6,200 hectares) that is managed by a full-time Forestry Division.  The County started acquiring abandoned farmlands in the 1950s that were better suited for forest than farming, in partnership with the Ministry of Natural Resources. The County of Renfrew entered into its first forest agreement on December 3, 1951 with the acquisition of 90 hectares in Westmeath Township. Land acquisition throughout the County continued until the 1970s and culminated in a total acquired area exceeding 6,200 hectares. On April 1, 2000, the County assumed full responsibility for these properties.


In February 2007 County of Renfrew Council accepted a report entitled “The Development of a Trails Strategy” and tasked the Forestry Division with implementing the recommendations contained in the report. The Forestry Division has since instituted regular inspections of existing trails (K&P Corridor), worked with citizen’s groups interested in developing trails within the County, and is actively pursuing opportunities to acquire abandoned rail corridors for new trail development. K&P Corridor Management Plan

Equestrian Trail Event September 18th

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