Friday, October 23, 2015

Ontario Trail News - canoeing on the Glenmore reservoir, and news from Ontario Water Trails in the Ontario Trails News Archive

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Dugout canoe propelled by 45 paddlers to Glenmore Reservoir

A 12-metre fibreglass replica of a West Coast dugout canoe set off on the Glenmore Reservoir today while passing through Calgary.

The canoe is on its way to the Canadian Canoe Museum in Peterborough, Ont., and will be one of three vessels available to be paddled by the public once it's delivered.

Built in Abbotsford, B.C., the canoe stopped in Calgary before being delivered to the museum on Friday.

Forty-five people showed up to paddle it around the reservoir.

Dugout canoes are chopped and carved out of tree-trunks. They have been built by many of Canada's First Nations people over centuries.

They reached their apex on the West Coast, where giant red cedars allowed the construction of canoes large enough to take to the oceans out of sight of land.
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