Thursday, March 17, 2016

Ontario Trails News - all sorts of information about Ontario Trails

Upcoming Meetings

Mar 12 – OLA Meeting Almonte
Apr 9th OLA Meeting -
Lyme Disease Stakeholder
Reference Group
GBCT Planning Meetings
Trailhead Ontario
Program Meetings
NEW - Accessibility

Chuck Greene from Bracebridge wants to know - does anybody audit for AODA trail compliance? Any service providers? Please E-mail Chuck at -  Download the guide, complete our survey.

Trail HerosKnow somebody that works hard on trails? If so nominate them to be an Ontario Trails "Trail Hero!" We'd be happy to review your recommendations and acknowledge in a small way their contribution to trails in your community.


Trail Blog

Every day trails are news! Every day we blog about trails. In communities all over Ontario trails are big news, for cyclists, runners, canoe or horses, every day we capture in one spot all the trail news - local, provincial or national! Join today!

ontario trail blog

Trail Leaders!

Join Ontario's first ever series of 13 online trail education courses in the development and management of trails. Designed for both volunteers and professionals. Course locations and seats available - Trail Management. Register today - registration is open 24/7  

courses placeholder

Join OTC

The Ontario Trails Council is a nonprofit charitable organization, established in 1988, that promotes the development, preservation, management and use of recreational trails. With over 230 organizational members and 25 individual supporters the OTC continues to grow! Support trails in Ontario - join the OTC.

Learn an Activity

Our website contains information on over 2,600 trails, and a description for nearly 2,000. Learn about the places where you can bike, cross country ski, climb or any of another 15 activities. We are linked to over 130 organizations and a variety of provincial groups that can help you learn an activity or become better at one you already love!

ontario water trails

Add Your Event

We post trail or outdoor events on trail specific facebook pages, the main OTC facebook page, and the event section of the OTC website. You can send us your event and we'll post it to these extensive networks. Each week we reach over 20,000 people, so if you want your event known, a bit better, send us the information.

Add/Edit Trails

An important part of the Refreshed OTC Web site will be a dynamic page dedicated to each trail. It is important that you give us as much information as possible - this will be the only source for creating your dedicated page on the OTC Website. If we don't get the information from you, it won't make it onto the site. If you have any questions about the form, please contact Patrick at 613-484-1140. Thank you for taking the time to add or edit your trail on the Ontario Trails Council Web site.


Be a Friend of Trails

We invite all trail users to support the work of the Ontario Trails Council. As a registered charity we do our community work based on the support of member organizations, individuals and some government grants. We do the work, in the end for the individual families and folks that use the trails every day. Please consider supporting us as your thanks for your trails. Thank you.


Member Requests

1) Algonquin College program on-line

algonquin college

2) OTC Website for your Mobile

otc mobile app

3) Post Photos to Pinterest

ontario trails on pinterest

4) OTC on Foursquare

ontario trails on foursquare

5) Safe Trails Manual

6) OTC Youtube Channel
ontario trails youtube channel

7) Ontario Trails Maps
ontario trails maps

8) Enabling Change Program


9) OTC Board 2015-16
Jack De Wit -
Canadian Recreational Horse and Rider Association

Dan Andrews -
lake Simcoe Region CA

Paul Ronan
Ontario Parks Association
Mike Clewer
Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs

Graham Burke
William Mungall
Hike Ontario


Wayne Daub

Lora Woolner
Acting Director
IMBA Canada

Wayne Terryberry
Vice President
McMaster University
Jason Davis
Renfrew County

Bonnie Simpson

Tracey-Lynn Bell
Acting Director
Niagara Trails Committee

Patrick Connor
Ex-officio - Executive Director

If you are interested in assisting the OTC, through fundraising, membership development, conference planning or as an educator, please e-mail Jack De Wit to discuss.

The ideas, opinions, re-posting of news, editorials and content contained in this newsletter are not necessarily the ideas or opinions of the OTC Board or staff. This news is intended for informational purposes only.


OTC Event Planning Guide
Call 877-668-7245

OTC Trail Committee Manual
Call 877-668-7245

ontario regional trail committee planner

Ontario Trails Membership
On behalf of OTC we thank you for your support. If there is a group you know that is not a member contact us and we'll send them a note on membership benefits. This past week we received a renewal from Selwyn Township.  Thank you very much for your support!

 join otc
ontario trails on sumbleupon

Be sure to join one of our lists on our various twitter pages

ontario trails on linkedin

ontario trails on tumblr

ontariotrails on instagram logo

Nature Unexpected
Try out a great outdoor experience - close to home, yet far away.

A supporter of Trailhead Ontario 2015



Header Photo Credit - Epic Adventures

From Trail Users

I am from the Renfrew Pinnacle Pedallers and I would like to submit a photo of the Millennium Trail in Renfrew, On.
We have used the trail frequently during the last 3 years and hope to encourage others to follow.
We are grateful to have access to the trail as it joins other trails to cycle further onto Calabogie or Arnprior.
Thank you for making this possible.
I am also in the planning stages of a fundraiser event for the trail on June 5, 2016.
Details will be posted shortly.
Happy Day, Debbie

renfrew millennium trail

Had a beautiful Sunday on the trails!
ontario snowshoe trails

Sifton Bog, Sunday Nov 15, 2015, London, Ontario
From Cathy.
sifton bog london

Nov 4 stroll through Chipmunk and Beaver trails in Stony Swamp area near Ottawa
beaver and chipmunk trails ncc ottawa

From the Georgian Bay Biosphere - Amazing Places

As you may know, GBBR is involved with a very focused project called "Amazing Places" modelled after Fundy Biosphere Reserve

It promotes access to, and education about, some of our existing trails within the Biosphere Reserve:

Parry Sound's Rotary waterfront trail
Park-to-Park trail
Georgian Nordic Ski Club bike-hike-ski trails
Killbear Provincial Park's Twin Points Trail

The next 10 Amazing Places could potentially include trails such as:

Dokis First Nation Medicinal Trail (confirmed)
Rose Point Trail (proposed)
Port Severn's Schoolhouse Trail (potential)
GBCT's Point Grondine Loop (potential)

Tell GBBR about how you can support Amazing Places!



Are you looking for new techniques, games, initiatives and memorable ways to close
out your trip or course? Then this is the Seminar for you!

Join Shawn Stetson from AdventureWorks Association Inc in the morning to explore
 How to connect and reconnect your group and create a sense of community
 Learn new ways to teach leadership through dynamic activities while at the
same time exploring Leadership behaviours
 Explore 2 new tools to assist you in planning effective programs
 Reflect on your facilitation techniques while exploring new approaches

Finally, no course or trip is complete without a closing activity.  Join ORCKA’s very
own Linda Leckie after lunch to explore

 Meaningful and effective ways to bring closure to your group
 Use Experiential Education Theory to discover the reason behind reflection and
transfer activities

Date:  Saturday April 9th, 2016
Time:   9:00 am-4:00 pm
Location: Norval Outdoor Education Centre,
10444 Winston Churchill Blvd, Norval, ON, LOK IPO

Cost:  $90.00 Members       EARLY BIRD RATE: $85.00
$100.00 Non-Members
Members register online in your secure member area, under “My Seminars”

Non-Members contact Bonnie Fisher at the ORCKA - or 416-426-7016


Camping and/or Cabin (unheated) accommodations are available: $15.00 / night

The Ontario Trails Council has collected over 40,000 points of data on Ontario's recreational trails.

We know that there is a trail in over 430 communities. We know Ontario maintains over 80,000 km of trails.

This means a sizable investment of time, effort and funds has been utilized to create the world's largest system of trails.

This survey asks you to provide more detail on the inputs of time, effort and investment that made trails in your area.

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