Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Ontario Trails News - landowners may have issues, but the fears being spread about Bill passage impacts unfounded

Bill 100


Recently there has been discussion in the media regarding the use of easements to secure trails. The Ontario Federation of ATV Clubs does not have any intention of utilizing easements we prefer rather to use the traditional Land Use Agreement process which has, and continues to serve landowners and clubs well. These Land Use Permission Agreements define land use parameters, including landowner cancellation authority and notice, and ensure that the OFATV’s General Liability Insurance protects the landowner. For more information regarding the Bill, we have provided several links bellow, including a link to Bill 100.
If you wish to read Bill 100, Supporting Ontario’s Trails Act, 2015 please follow this link: Bill 100
Press Release from Patrick Connor, Executive Director of the Ontario Trails Council:
To be clear, Bill 100 only affects landowners who want to negotiate an easement for trail access. It in no way makes trails on private or public land nor does it take negotiation rights away from landowners. What it does is make the process clearer. To read the full Press Release click on the following link:
Statements released by Minister Michael Coteau to clarify the misconception around Bill 100:
“The province introduced Bill 100, the Supporting Ontario’s Trails Act, 2015, to improve access to Ontario’s trails, building both a healthier, and more prosperous Ontario. Our ministry held consultations with over 250 organizations, including municipalities, Aboriginal groups, trail organizations and not-for-profit organizations. The feedback the ministry heard during these consultations was integral to shaping the proposed legislation. 
To be clear, an easement pursuant to Bill 100, if passed, would be a voluntary agreement between a landowner and an eligible body or bodies. No property owner would be compelled to provide an easement unless they agreed to do so. – Michael Coteau, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport”

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