Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Ontario Trails News - IMBA Training at Trailhead Ontario, Ontario Tourism Strategy, trail pics and OHTO, and more!

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IMBA Training for Landowners - June 22-23 Calabogie!

Ontario Trails Council requests information updates!
During the past two weeks, through the generous financial support of the Ontario's Highlands Tourism Organization, the OTC was able to secure the support services of Brooke Jones, a Queen's University Student. Brooke got to work right away updating our OTC contacts database.

ontario's highlands tourism organization logoYou may have received an e-mail from her requesting information so that we can stay connected. The OTC will not re-distribute or use the information in any way other than to connect with you in order to provide you with information updates about programs and services we provide. Including Trailhead Ontario information.

Sorry for any confusion we have since given Brooke her own gmail account - OTCProgamsAsst@gmail.com

She will follow up with you from this address in future. Many thanks for your continued support of our work.

Do you have a trail event planned? Please add it to our event calendar!  

Ontario Trails Attends Tourism Action Plan Announcement
ON June 9th Jack de Wit and Patrick Connor attended Minister Michael Coteau's announcement of the "Ontario Tourism Action Plan." While there we met with the Minister, Beth Potter from TIAO, Chuck Thibault from RTO6, David Peacock from RTO4, and a number of other tourism partners.tourism action plan
"Ontario’s tourism industry is a significant economic driver and key contributor to our cultural vitality and quality of life. Generating over $28.5 billion annually and representing 4 per cent of the GDP, I am proud of the role it plays in building robust communities and enriching the lives of Ontarians. Globally, the tourism industry is growing and changing rapidly. To best position Ontario’s tourism industry to respond quickly to shifting consumer demands and capitalize on future opportunities, the government committed to developing A Strategic Framework for Tourism in Ontario. Ontario’s Tourism Action Plan marks an important step toward achieving this goal."

Belleville Opens Cycling Lanes

belleville cycling lanes

Photos from Friends of Trails!
The Kinghorn Trail Near Pass Lake from Kirstenkinghorn trails near pass lake
Hiking in Hamilton from Johnhiking in hamilton
Out for a walk from Christineout for a walk

Out for a hike in Cooksville from Lismiut for a hike in cooksville
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