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Early bird registration ends - June 3rd, 2016
A full and varied program for Trailhead Ontario 2016. Be sure to join us in Renfrew, but book now!!
Rooms are limited and so is the size of the conference. Trailhead Ontario 2016 Symposium Itinerary
We are going to be talking about the new Adirondack to Algonquin trail Plan with representatives from the Adirondack to Algonquin Organization - Please welcome Emily Conger from the A2A Trail Collaborative.
Work with the Ontario's Highlands Tourism Organization as they expend trails in the region and take advantage of trails tourism potential in Eastern Ontario!
Over the last two years Petawawa Economic Development has spearheaded the development of a community trails committee along the lines of the OTC RTC model. Join Kelly Williams from Petawawa as he discusses the development and successes of this initiative in support of trails!
Ottawa Valley Outdoor Experiences! rarely is there so much to do in an area. Ottawa Valley has it all. Trails, amenities and more - join us as we learn about their quality and quantity of trails related destinations and experiences
Over the past 6 years the Parks of the St. Lawrence have revitalized their trail system, offering more and newer kilometers of trails in support of the park's other experiences. Welcome Lou Seiler from Parks of the St. Lawrence as he talks about the development and enactment process!
Since 2012 the Ontario Ministry of Tourism Culture and Sport has worked to consult with communities on the Ontario trails strategy and the various new legislation in support of trails - i.e. "The Supporting Ontario trails Act." Come and hear from the government on the progress we are making together to make better communities through trails.
City of Ottawa Cycling and trails - Ottawa has a world class system of trails and cycling routes. Come and here the planning department talk about the fit of planning with trail development!
The National Capital Greenbelt in Ottawa has over 150 kilometres of trails that connect to the Trans Canada Trail, Rideau Trail and Capital Pathway network. Whether you have half an hour for a short hike or plan on spending the day, the Greenbelt has something for you.

Trans Canada Trail works with local partners – trail owner/operators – to plan and support development of trail across Ontario. With a connectivity challenge to be met for 2017 come and hear about how the TCT supports trails, communities and it's completion!
May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month and it's only right that you protect yourself while out on the trails. Lyme-carrying black-legged ticks can be found across Canada - but the highest concentration of infection is in Eastern Canada - which scientists believe is linked to climate change. Follow these tips to avoid Lyme disease. Come to the conference and hear about the strategies the working group is developing to help the public.
Sentiers Prescott Russell and Glengarry Trails are two trail supporting organizations in eastern Ontario. One is a County Committee the other operates as a "Friends of" model. Learn about both styles of operation and the trails they support!
Township of Madawaska Valley Trail is developing at a fast pace. A regional leader, the Township supports the trail enhancements for both the community and the tourist. Join us to hear about their trail gains.
Principles of Trail Risk Management, and Trails Risk Management - How to Say Yes to Trails, with Jeff Jackson, will provide the latent trail developer, or the trail leader with undeveloped projects or political will to get the trails done, with insight for planners and politicos alike to say yes to trails. We aren't as risky as you think!
Ottawa River-Keeper - programs and plans for development, they were thrilled when we contacted them, because they are a small group protecting a big river and they know you probably also have a river that needs support in order to maintain itself for paddlers!
Just look at the list of projects on this page Mattawa Trail Development, these folks are bringing the house down with all types of trails and new projects. Learn how they are getting it done.
First Nation Tourism and Trails, join First Nations leaders as we discuss the joint relationship on the land we share. An emerging force in tourism and trails we should figure out ways to work with all communities so we co-develop trails!
Register today!
IMBA Training for Landowners - June 22-23 Calabogie!

A full and varied program for Trailhead Ontario 2016. Be sure to join us in Renfrew, but book now!!
Rooms are limited and so is the size of the conference. Trailhead Ontario 2016 Symposium Itinerary
Monday | ||
8:30-9:00AM | Registration | Coffee Served |
9:00-9:15AM | Welcome remarks | Dignitaries |
9:15-10:00AM | Presentation | Renfrew County with Algonquin to Adirondack Trail |
10:00-10:30AM | Presentation | Ontario's Highlands Tourism Organization |
10:30-10:45AM | Break | Coffee Break |
10:45-11:15AM | Presentation | Petawawa - the development of our Regional Trail Association |
11:15-11:45AM | Presentation | Ottawa Valley Outdoor Experiences |
11:45-12:15PM | Presentation | Parks of the St. Lawrence |
12:15-1:30 PM | Lunch | |
1:00-1:30PM | Presentation | Ontario Trails Council AGM (Members Only Please) |
1:30-2:15PM | Presentation | Updates on the Trails Act and the Ontario Trails Strategy with the Ministry of Tourism Culture and Sport |
2:15-2:45PM | Presentation | Ontario Federation of Agriculture |
2:45-3:00PM | Break | |
3:15-3:45PM | Presentation | First Nation Tourism and Trails |
3:45-4:15PM | Presentation | Trans Canada Trail |
4:15-4:45PM | Presentation | Understanding and Preventing Lyme Disease |
4:45-5:15PM | Presentation | Sentiers Prescott Russell and Glengarry Trails |
5:15-6PM | Networking | Cash Bar |
6PM - 9PM | Dinner & Keynote Speaker | TBD |
Tuesday | ||
8:30 – 9:00AM | Registration | Coffee Served |
9:00-9:15 AM | Welcome remarks | Dignitaries - Madawaska Valley |
9:15-9:45AM | Presentation | Township of Madawaska Valley Trail Developments |
10:00-10:30AM | Plenary Session | Principles of Trail Risk Management, with Jeff Jackson |
10:30-10:45AM | Coffee Break | |
10:45-11:30AM | Plenary Session | Trails Risk Management - How to Say Yes to Trails, with Jeff Jackson |
Noon-1PM | Lunch | Networking Lunch |
1:00-2:00PM | Plenary Session | Water Trails - Developing trails for Use |
2:00-2:45PM | Plenary Session | Ottawa River-Keeper - programs and plans for development |
2:45-3:00PM | Break | |
3:00-3:30PM | Plenary Session | Integrated Trails Tourism Project |
3:30-4:00PM | Plenary Session | Mattawa Trail Development |
4:00-4:30PM | Plenary Session | Developing Horse Trails |
4:30PM | Wrap-up and Next Steps | Trailhead Canada 2017! |
We are going to be talking about the new Adirondack to Algonquin trail Plan with representatives from the Adirondack to Algonquin Organization - Please welcome Emily Conger from the A2A Trail Collaborative.
Work with the Ontario's Highlands Tourism Organization as they expend trails in the region and take advantage of trails tourism potential in Eastern Ontario!
Over the last two years Petawawa Economic Development has spearheaded the development of a community trails committee along the lines of the OTC RTC model. Join Kelly Williams from Petawawa as he discusses the development and successes of this initiative in support of trails!
Ottawa Valley Outdoor Experiences! rarely is there so much to do in an area. Ottawa Valley has it all. Trails, amenities and more - join us as we learn about their quality and quantity of trails related destinations and experiences
Over the past 6 years the Parks of the St. Lawrence have revitalized their trail system, offering more and newer kilometers of trails in support of the park's other experiences. Welcome Lou Seiler from Parks of the St. Lawrence as he talks about the development and enactment process!
Since 2012 the Ontario Ministry of Tourism Culture and Sport has worked to consult with communities on the Ontario trails strategy and the various new legislation in support of trails - i.e. "The Supporting Ontario trails Act." Come and hear from the government on the progress we are making together to make better communities through trails.
City of Ottawa Cycling and trails - Ottawa has a world class system of trails and cycling routes. Come and here the planning department talk about the fit of planning with trail development!
The National Capital Greenbelt in Ottawa has over 150 kilometres of trails that connect to the Trans Canada Trail, Rideau Trail and Capital Pathway network. Whether you have half an hour for a short hike or plan on spending the day, the Greenbelt has something for you.
Trans Canada Trail works with local partners – trail owner/operators – to plan and support development of trail across Ontario. With a connectivity challenge to be met for 2017 come and hear about how the TCT supports trails, communities and it's completion!
May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month and it's only right that you protect yourself while out on the trails. Lyme-carrying black-legged ticks can be found across Canada - but the highest concentration of infection is in Eastern Canada - which scientists believe is linked to climate change. Follow these tips to avoid Lyme disease. Come to the conference and hear about the strategies the working group is developing to help the public.
Sentiers Prescott Russell and Glengarry Trails are two trail supporting organizations in eastern Ontario. One is a County Committee the other operates as a "Friends of" model. Learn about both styles of operation and the trails they support!
Township of Madawaska Valley Trail is developing at a fast pace. A regional leader, the Township supports the trail enhancements for both the community and the tourist. Join us to hear about their trail gains.
Principles of Trail Risk Management, and Trails Risk Management - How to Say Yes to Trails, with Jeff Jackson, will provide the latent trail developer, or the trail leader with undeveloped projects or political will to get the trails done, with insight for planners and politicos alike to say yes to trails. We aren't as risky as you think!
Ottawa River-Keeper - programs and plans for development, they were thrilled when we contacted them, because they are a small group protecting a big river and they know you probably also have a river that needs support in order to maintain itself for paddlers!
Just look at the list of projects on this page Mattawa Trail Development, these folks are bringing the house down with all types of trails and new projects. Learn how they are getting it done.
First Nation Tourism and Trails, join First Nations leaders as we discuss the joint relationship on the land we share. An emerging force in tourism and trails we should figure out ways to work with all communities so we co-develop trails!
Register today!
IMBA Training for Landowners - June 22-23 Calabogie!

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