Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Ontario Trails News - activities, development and support information about Ontario's trails!


Thanks to our returning Members - we appreciate your support!!

City of Toronto Parks and Recreation

toronto trails and nature


Announcing Trailhead Toronto!
In Fall of 2016 trail enthusiasts and supporters are headed to Toronto for a day of meetings and lively discussion about all types of local and regional trails.
Are you a member of the OTC? Are you Toronto based, a trail group, a service provider, a developer of trails? Why not join us as a presenter on the very important date of November 24th.
trailhead toronto About the event
Why is that date important? Its the day before the Ontario Trails Coordinating Meeting that is the implementation framework the province has adopted to address trail issues in Ontario. Ontario Trails Council is co-chair of the process.

For the last 20 years risk, user behaviour and resultant liability has been the number one issue facing trail managers and operators. Through member support we have achieved significant reductions in liability exposure that the insurance industry is declaring as positive. 
trailhead toronto blog
After 12 years of work we got a trails act that reduces trail liability making easier for ALL trail organizations to secure trails due to reduced risk exposure. This act supports the management strategy and vice versa.

So why not attend or present @Trailhead Toronto? Showcase your project to government and the other 25 leaders that will be meeting the next day to decide directions of change.

News From Around the Membership

Hike Haliburton Festival!hike haliburton festival news

Friends of Killarney Parkfriends of killarney art in the park

Wye Marsh Trailswye marsh trails

Thanks again to Joanna Milczarek who does a great job finding and sharing all these great trail stories on behalf of the Ontario Trails Council!!

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