Friday, August 5, 2016

Ontario Trails News - from around Ontario's 2600 Trails, events, activities and trail managing!

Watch out for Lyme Disease!lyme disease poster
ontario trails member benefits

Everyday Ontario Trails assists trails in Ontario - Service Request Form

The Ontario Trails Council requests that folks start using it's Service Request form so that we can track the supports we provide to trail organizations in Ontario - a lot of which is unfunded.

Our work, leading to Bill 100, or an Ontario Trails Implementation Strategy benefits all trails, but not all support our work, so if you want our valuable assistance please complete this form going forward so we can track requests!
ontario trails service request
ontario trails service request

We believe in trails and would be happy to assist as per our mandate and mission, but a priority, given resource and time constraints will be given to our partners first.

News From Partners!

OFATVofatv welcomes ndatv

Thanks Pablo for the mentions!ontario trails on twitter

Thanks Mississauga Parks and Forestry for the mention!

mississauga parks and forestry


Thanks for the mention Toby!

ontario trails council on twitter

Thanks for the photo Jeremy!parks of the st. lawrence
After all the discussion about it (at Trailhead Ontario - Renfrew), I spotted a horse and buggy using the Thousand Islands Parkway recreational trail this morning.


Watch for this recurring special on the Group of Seven Trail!tvo the painted land

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