Be sure to share these links with your friends and colleagues. Click the picture for the most complete list of trails by winter activity.


As we say - everyday, somewhere in Ontario, Ontario Trails makes a difference in trails. Membership renewals were e-mailed at te end of November - we wrote - Your support enables Ontario Trails to make a difference by maintaining an office and helping the 200+ communities that turn to us for help, in your area and everywhere in Ontario.
Memberships run from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 each calendar year. This is why you are being invoiced now.
The Ontario Trails Council hosts an
award winning website promoting all of Ontario's trails, including trails in your area!
You have several ways to renew or sign up:
By adding your name to our automated system at Memberplanet through the button below.
Or via more traditional means:Print the attached invoice and send a cheque to:
OTC 500 Main St. Deseronto, ON. K0K 1X0
Download the
Membership Form, complete and send back with invoice to the address above.
The OTC is more though -
Please continue to support our work. Renew today!
Ontario Trails Members 2018 - Renewed!
Friends of Second Marsh
McMaster University - Outdoor Recreation
Ontario Federation of All-Terrain Vehicle Clubs

City of London - Parks and Forestry

The City of London supports walking and cycling as active ways to enjoy the many special features London has to offer either as a recreational pastime or as a means of transportation. Routes within the city consist of on-street routes, off-street routes and multi-use pathways.
In addition to the pdfs of the map above, you can also see these routes using London's interactive
Interested in exploring London's Environmentally Significant Areas? Check out the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority's website link.
For more information on bicycle safety and rules of the road, see the Cycling Skills Guide link on the right.
Ontario Trails simplifies your Membership Connection!Over the years the Ontario Trails Council has worked to provide services that give you value and results for your membership support. We are constantly working to improve services and your ability to easily provide feedback on our efforts.
In March the OTC Board endorsed moving to a more automated system of membership management, deciding to use the platform Memberplanet. More information on this can be found at Memberplanet.
The OTC is working to implement this system. The ways to Memberplanet should make membership management easier include:
1) Account information accuracy
2) On-line membership renewal
3) Contact status updates
4) Group news
The membership planet platform provides all of these, including invoicing and receipt generation functions. So if you have an A/P department to report too, this should make your paper trail readily available to you!
When you start the process you'll be directed to this window. We are working on updating existing members to the database. So if you are an existing member, just bookmark this information for reference. We'll send you reminders about renewing at renewal time, in late November each year.

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