We wish to remind you of the importance of our winter recreation activity sponsors as we head into winter!!
Upcoming Trails Education
JANUARY 5, 2022 - About the G2G Trail
JANUARY 11-18, 2022 - A bundled session about trails risk management.

FEBRUARY 22, 23, 2022. - A Virtual National Roundtable on Trail Risk Management
Trail Surveys
The OTC is interested in what you think! We have written many types of surveys and are pleased to provide links to them on this page. From such important topics as Trail Trade Specialist to Member Services we want you to help us help you!
Click the title below to be redirected to the survey of your choice.
Recreational Trail Committees - tell us about your community advisory committee.
Trail Maintenance - how do you maintain your trails?
Help Us Help You - website improvement
Upload Your Trail - add your trail to the website
Upload Your Event - add your trail event to the website
Trail Reform Now - legislative and insurance reform support
Trail Trades Specialist- tell us what you'd like to see in a trail trades course
Member Services - are you happy as an OTC member with the services you get?
Strategic Planning 1: - tell us what you'd like the OTC to do
Strategic Planning 2: Financial Sustainability - as a charity we can always use new ideas to sustain ourselves
Strategic Planning 3: - Effectiveness - how effective are we?
Customer Satisfaction - as a member of the public what do you think of the OTC?
Economic Impact of Recreational Trail (ON) - for the Eco Dev/Tourism, Trail Planning office
Insurance Issues - tell us about your ability to get coverage
Trails of 1812 - is your community celebrating our bi-centennial
On-Road Cycling Lane Petition - Norm Miller MPP - download the form here - (no web link available)
Trail Priorities - what do you want OTC to do for Trails?
Save the Prescott Russell Rail Trail - encourage the communities to save this trail!
Voyageur Trail User Survey - if you've used this trail they'd like your feedback
Trail Access for Horses - are you able to ride your horse where you want?
Do you use trail Counters? - tell us how you count your trail traffic?

Ontario Trails - staying open in difficult times - if your membership is due we could use your renewal!
We thank members for renewing or supporting the OTC through membership. Township of LimerickFrontenac Arch BiosphereTown of MintoOver past months we have -
- provided content to the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism, and Culture Industries,
- put time and effort into trail categorization for trail use, and the 'Trailability Tool'
- supported our partner Marmak and the RFAM tool,
- supported a University of Waterloo Outdoor Recreation Impacts,
- supported and distributed the Black Sheep Mountain Bike Club Rider Survey,
- updated a variety of COVID related pages on the OTC website,
- engaged members and the trail using public on etiquette,
- provided consulting advice to Avon Trail, Renfrew County, the OFSC, and others,
- been strong with groups on public safety,
- facilitated work on Hastings Destination Trails Inc.,
- updated our about page,
- supported the St. Lawrence Parks Commission Recreational Trail Committee development
- hosted a series of webinars with our partners, and
- supported students with the University of Waterloo and the City of Waterloo to do trail work
For all the latest on trails and trail news follow:
Ontario TrailsOntario ATV TrailsOntario Hiking TrailsOntario Climbing TrailsOntario Cycling TrailsOntario Dirt Bike TrailsOntario Horse TrailsOntario Water TrailsToronto TrailsTrailhead NorthTrails of 1812Niagara Trails CommitteeHamilton Burlington TrailsCanadian Trails FederationTo find your trail listing go to
Ontario TrailsTo help trail users find trails on their mobile share
Ontario Trails MapStanding by the public safety order is very difficult to do when you and your members are in the business of promoting the outdoors. Certainly being firm on Stay Home doesn't win you popularity contests with many users. And users affect our memberships. If people don't like your message membership suffers. This is what we are trying to do, the right thing overall, and we need you to look past the current messages to having OTC around in 6 months and then a year from now.
We will be sending an email asking for your renewal. Based on our projections memberships should facilitate a 0 deficit, continuation of office supports and the type of education and advocacy that has seen the development of Ontario Trail Categorization, website maintenance, our response to COVID, our online training through Algonquin College, as well as our future plans for training, economic and tourism development committee, AND most importantly our Health Unit and Trails messaging process.
OTC is interested in assuring that there is balance in trail use as we work to re-open full public access, with safe user practice, to the trails and trail activities you love.
Support us today.
Join ON-linePlease renew. By electronic transfer,

PayPal - select your membership rate and Go!

or a call with your credit card.