Showing posts with label #ontrails. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #ontrails. Show all posts

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Ontario Trails News - An Update from Ontario Trails 5312018

Trailhead SouthWest - June 1, 2018.
LaSalle Recreation Complex
2121 Laurier Pkwy | Windsor, Ontario N9J 0B4



ontario trails week by ontario trails 2018

Pick your way to tell Ontario about how you use trails!

conservation ontario healthy hikes program

This spring, summer, and fall get outdoors on a conservation trail! The Ontario Trails Council supports the public use of this important Conservation Ontario program!

We have completed our Towards a National Trails Policy document. If you would like a copy e-mail Candian Trails President, Patrick Connor at and we'll send you a copy!

Register for Trails Planning Professional Certificate from Ontario Trails.
Click the image for more information.

NEW - Join Ontario Trails by processing your membership online. Thanks.

We want to thank the following organizations who recently renewed their Ontario Trails Membership - 
Renfrew County, Clearview Township, Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs, Brant County, City of Peterborough, Waterford Heritage Trail Association, City of Orillia, City of Belleville, Ontario Federation of Trail Riders, Voyageur Trails Association, Chatham Kent County.
Thank-you for your continued support.

Thanks to Janet for her photos of the Sawmill Creek from the Trail.

Good afternoon everyone,

I wanted to pass along an opportunity that may be of interest to you. Please share with anyone else who might benefit from this type of funding.

The 2018 Species at Risk Farm Incentive Program (SARFIP) is now available! 

Eligible projects include tree planting, fencing to protect vulnerable habitat from livestock, improved stream crossings, wetland restoration, and habitat structures (like bat nesting boxes or turtle nesting sites). Ontario farms can receive up to $20,000 from SARFIP for 2018 projects that benefit species at risk (SAR).

The SARFIP 2018 Brochure provides full program details and can be downloaded from the OSCIA website:

My apologies if some of you are receiving this in duplicate- I originally sent this out to the Minden distribution list and there may be some of you on the Bancroft one as well!

Kind regards,

Teghan Griffith
Partnership Specialist
Minden Field Office, Bancroft District
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
705.286.5210 //

Kayak races celebrating legacy of Shaw, Pelchat, from Timmins Today.

simcoe county tourism paddling guide

Get your Simcoe County Paddling Guide Today!


We always have room for your trails event - be sure to add it to our online listings!

urban toronto dot ca skate trail

Toronto Planning for New Skate Trail as reported by

Cycling event turns tragic. 1 person in critical condition others injured.

ontario trails frank cowan company

We recommend this assessment. While you're at it, use us to assess your trails.

cross country ski ontario agm and awards 2018

Congratulations to Cross Country Ski Ontario and to all the people that make X-Country Skiing Great in Ontario.

Download a copy of our proposal to host a Trailhead Trails Education Symposium in your community. Download Here

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