Showing posts with label A2A Trail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A2A Trail. Show all posts

Friday, August 19, 2016

Ontario Trails News - we welcome another new partner - A2A Trail! Join Ontario Trails - support our work!


Please welcome our newest trail partner!


NEWCOMB, N.Y.—The 640-kilometre trek of a radio-collared moose named Alice is the inspiration for a proposed hiking trail from Ontario’s forested Algonquin Park to the heart of New York’s Adirondack Mountains.
Planners of the A2A — Algonquin to Adirondack — Trail liken it to Spain’s famous Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route, with the added benefit of preserving an important wildlife migration corridor between two vast wilderness regions.
“This is one of last great migration routes. It’s an area where wildlife can regenerate itself,” said Emily Conger, chair of the trail committee for the A2A Collaborative, the Ontario-based non-profit conservation group behind the project.
Still in the planning stage with no definite route, the A2A will combine existing trails and roads following the general track taken by Alice, a moose radio-collared by New York wildlife workers in 1998 and released in a remote forest area in the central Adirondack town of Newcomb.



Partnerships always welcome at Ontario Trails!

ontario trails logoOur Partnership is just the beginning! We thank you for becoming a partner, here are some of the benefits that are now yours -
Great Benefits!
Access to insurance, trail insurance and other services from CAPRI.
Advocacy Information
Your voice in Toronto, in your town and city, and in Ottawa, representing you on issues that matter to you. Trail Legislation, Landowner Rights, Best Practices, Funding and Grant Programs.
Latest Information for Having Your Best Trail
Partners can access the latest information to learn more about healthy living, trail planning, trail protection and managing your trail. OTC members get access to E-newsletter and programs like the Trillium Trail Network.

ontario trails partnership benefits
Community Events & Services
Get involved with one of our 200+ partners across Ontario and join the many volunteers making a difference in your community. We'll promote and list your contribution at no charge.
Planning and Development
We'll get your community to support you! We'll get your community leaders to fund you. If we don't we'll assist in writing grants (for a fee) to get you the money you need to develop the trails you want.

ontario trails partnership benefits flyer
Trail Management Services
We'll help you develop a Regional Trails Council, Incorporate, we provide governance guidance and education to staff and volunteer. We'll help you define projects, secure funds, and we'll bring other knowledge experts in to assist you!
"Trailhead" Brand Conferences and Meetings
We'll help you plan, invite, secure and present, on your trails! Use the power of our network to bring experts to your community, where your leaders can learn about latest practices, trail successes and opportunities. - From 40-140 people, we bring media and marketing of your work home to you! Investment Required, OTC Earnings and Return on Revenue Offered.
PLUS! Award-winning WEBSITE Marketing
The Ontario Trails Council lists you, your trails, and your latest events, news about your work. Our award winning website gets people to Ontario Trails better - than just stand alone sites!

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