Showing posts with label Arctic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arctic. Show all posts

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Ontario Trails - Explore the Best in Trails - Anywhere in Ontario

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Six Great Day Hikes in Ontario | Red Hunt Travel
The start of October also marks the start of Ontario Hiking Week, so it seems the perfect time to put together a few photos from some of my favourite day hiking ...

OPG - ONTARIO POWER GENERATION INC. : Thanksgiving Weekend is No ...
Toronto - Thanksgiving weekend is a perfect time for one last boat or canoe ride before winter sets in, but it's no time to let your guard down when it comes to water safety. Ontario Power Generation (OPG) and the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) are ...
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Beltline Trail Study
Improve the Beltline Trail! | Cycle Toronto
Speak up in support of improving the Beltline Trail! 5 Minute Action: Write a letter to the City of Toronto project facilitators in support of improvements to the ...

Ontario closing provincial parks, reducing Ranger program
Public Values
Case in point: The Height of Land Trail in Wakami Provincial Park should be one of Ontario's most popular trekking destinations, being located on the dividing line between the Arctic and Atlantic watersheds, in addition to being 75 kilometres long one ...
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Jarvis St. bike lane removal made separated lanes possible: Minnan-Wong
Toronto Sun
TORONTO -. Did the Jarvis St. bike lanes have to die for Mayor Rob Ford to support a network of separated bike lanes? Removing the Jarvis St. bike lanes was an “important component” to getting Ford's office on board with a network of separated bike ...
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Vincent Lam on urban cycling
Globe and Mail
He will be speaking at Calgary Wordfest on Oct. 9, the Vancouver International Writers Festival on Oct. 15 and the International Festival of Authors in Toronto on Oct. 18-28. Drawn Off Topic: Comedian Jessica Holmes on Justin Trudeau The Globe and Mail ...
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It's Not About The Bike Or Car -- It's About Better Cities
Huffington Post Canada (blog)
Bike-lane debates have been going on for some time in Toronto, as they have in many cities like Vancouver. In recent years, exaggerated and polarizing phrases like "anti-car" and "the war on the car" have been thrown around irresponsibly by media and ...
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Hi everyone,

Another very important meeting to highlight the need for mountain bikers to voice their wish for mountain biking (think Bike Park) to be included in the master plan.

Please spread the word!

The City of Toronto is hosting a public meeting where you can learn more about the Beare Road Park Master Plan project, and provide your input on its new Master Plan.

We invite you to join u

s at the first public meeting.

Date: Thursday, October 11, 2012

Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Location: Blessed Mother Teresa Catholic Secondary School, 40 Sewells Road, Toronto, ON M1B 3G5

RSVP is appreciated but not required. If you are able to attend please RSVP by email to

At the meeting on October 11, the Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation project team will give a presentation that includes background information about the site and the existing conditions. Parks Canada will also be at the meeting to provide an update on the neighbouring proposed Rouge National Urban Park and their consultation process.

The City of Toronto will specifically be seeking feedback regarding the vision that users and residents have for the park, guiding principles that should influence park design, and the consultation process. Other public meetings will follow as the plan progresses.

The venue is wheelchair accessible. Please request any additional accommodations necessary when you RSVP. We look forward to meeting with you.




Trail Education
Our event calendar shows weekly adjustments to our course offerings. It also provides links to course information, in PDF flyer format, registration, and location of course through a google map or other means.

Be sure to use our array of press or other flyers to circulate to your local papers or possible attendees. All available for use - call - 877-668-7245 or 519-941-8911, or 1-866-560-7783
Ontario Trails Mobile App

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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Ontario Trails News - Paddle, Bike, Hike and Ride Ontario's Trails

Birdwatchers behaving like paparazzi
Last June, the arrival of an Arctic ptarmigan turned Ontario's Darlington ... It is an outdoor activity that provides light exercise, so it has proven a big ...

An exorcism of dog-racing demons on Alaska's Iditarod Trail
Alaska Dispatch
... and his grandfather, Dan, took a memory tour up the 1000-mile trail from Willow to the fabled city of the Golden Sands on the shore of the Bering Sea. The Seaveys were news. DeBruin was not. The quiet man from Haliburton, Ontario, Canada, ...
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CanoeKayak Ontario's new Executive Director - March 19th, 2012
CanoeKayak Ontario's new Executive Director - March 19th, 2012. CanoeKayak Ontario (CKO) is pleased to announce that the organization has engaged Orest ...

Conservation Award presented to two watershed couples
Lakeshore Advance
The winners receive a framed, limited-edition conservation print of the Latornell Tree, by Bonna Rouse, one of 310 prints made for a special edition by Conservation Ontario. The ABCA will also make a donation towards a tree and plaque at a ...
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Kingston about to experience the largest boat, truck & RV show it ...
EMC Frontenac
It's the 1st Annual "Eastern Ontario Boat, Truck & RV Show," March 23 - 25 at the ... The show features over 20 local and regional Boat, Truck, RV and ATV ...

OFAH Conference provides platform for fish and wildlife discussion
PR Newswire (press release)
Tim Hudak, Leader of the Conservative Party of Ontario was the featured speaker at the President's reception on Thursday evening. Associate Minister of National Defence Julian Fantino delivered the keynote address at the Conservation Awards Gala on ...
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New BMX bike park approved
Cambridge Times
As a result of Monday's discussion councillors want to look at plans for an eight-lane competitive freestyle BMX park that could attract riders from across Ontario.In recent months, city staff have looked at building a new cycling facility next to the ...
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Provincial champ
Orangeville Banner
Carla Buckner Hard work and dedication are paying off for Orangeville cross-country skierAlexander Maycock, who recently earned a pair of provincial titles. The 12-year-old returned home from the 2012 Ontario Midget Championships, organized by Cross ...
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Move March Break to February
Toronto Star
... snow dependent activities like snowboarding, skiing, snowshoeing etc. during ... Ontariouniversity and college students have “Reading Week” in the ...

Great People - Great Trails - June 17-20, 2012

Rouge Park – Canada’s First Urban Wilderness Parkfantastic! But what are the challenges and opportunities of creating an urban wilderness park? Come and hear from representatives of Rouge Park, the Toronto Region Conservation Authority and Biosphere experts as we discuss the unique aspects of this wilderness in an urban setting. A must attend session for conservation and park staff operating wilderness rail trails, conservation lands, forests and parks in urban areas.

Trails Education and Skill Development Program - Become a trail development leader! Launching in Ontario – first ever series of 14 courses in the development and management of trails. Designed for both volunteers and professionals. Learn more about the various program elements, the calendar of courses, how we select the content, on-line learning options and more. Got staff that need training – attend this session and learn how you can get your staff to courses so you can have better trails!

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