Showing posts with label Barrie Advance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barrie Advance. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Ontario Trails - Ski, Sled, Hike, Bike or Paddle Ontario's Trails

Highland Wilderness Tours Horse Camps in Maynooth, Ontario ...

Highland Wilderness Tours Horse Camps in Maynooth, OntarioHorse Stable for boarding, breeding, ridingequestrian lessons, training and more. Features ...

Councillors may walk out on Premier
The Barrie Advance
... from Bruce County municipality Arran-Elderslie that calls on rural representatives to walk out on the Premier when he ascends the stage to address the annual Good Roads Conference at the end of February at the Royal York Hotel in downtown Toronto.
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Courting the granola - and gun - crowds
Now Sail has Ontario in its sights. It has declared war on the province's outdoors specialty retail market, launching a full-out assault to grab market share in a growing but increasingly competitive market that features such giants as US-based Bass ...
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Action Alert: E-mail your support for safe cycling on John Street and Front Street today!

Toronto - This Thursday, the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee (PWIC) will review two street redesign projects which currently do not offer any provisions for safe cycling. The report recommendations forJohn Street and Front Street fall short of offering Complete Streets to Torontonians by excluding cyclists.Please e-mail your support for better cycling provisions on John Street and Front Street by Thursday, February 16!

How 1-Minute Intervals Can Improve Your Health
New York Times
... in Hamilton, Ontario, recently gathered several groups of volunteers. ... But they gamely agreed to undertake a newly devised program of cycling ...

Toronto Bike Show - What to expect? - Mountain Bike Review
I'm interested in going to the Toronto Bike Show and I'm trying to talk a couple guys I work with into going, but being my first time what can I.

Conserving our wetlands | Ontario Nature Blog
I was heartened to hear about some successful conservation actions happening right now inOntarioDave Reid gave a great talk on the ALUS project in Norfolk ...

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Friday, January 13, 2012

Ontario Trails - Ski, Sled, Hike, Bike or Paddle Ontario's Trails

First Nordic Ontario Cup Race of the year
Coached by Toivo Koivukoski with the assistance of Sera Tempio and John Patterson, the team will next head to Eastern Canadian Championships the first weekend of February in Gatineau Quebec. The team is supported locally by the North Bay Nordic Ski ...
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Time to ride for kids - make your pledge
Midnorth Monitor
By Rosalind Russell The local snowmobile clubs of Espanola, Massey and Nairn Centre will hit thetrails on Sunday, February 12, 2012 for the 34th Annual Espanola-North Shore Snowarama for Easter Seals Kids. Taking place on Ontario Federation of ...
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Snowcrest Riders get jump on snowmobiling season
Photo by Bev McMullen GRAVENHURST - Snowmobile enthusiasts have already had a chance to hit the trails in Gravenhurst thanks to the efforts of the community's snowmobile club. While snow and ice conditions throughout Ontario have made it impossible for ...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Conservation Ontario
NEWMARKET (January 10, 2012) Conservation Authorities strongly support Ontario'sEnvironmental. Commissioner's latest report calling for an integrated ...

Rompin' and Stompin' for charity
The Barrie Advance
Participants of all ages are invited to join the romp, and snowshoes will be ... Tubbs Romp to Stomp Ontario will be celebrating its fifth anniversary this ...

Cornwall Winterfest Carnaval set to dazzle this February 18-20
... 19th and 20th in CornwallOntario's Lamoureux Park! ... children shows, polar bear swim, music, entertainment, snowshoeing, curling, and much more! ..

Regional Round-Up
EMC Perth Snowshoe or hike from Lally's Homestead to Long Lake Road. ... 4-week session at Ontario Early Years Centre, 91 Cornelia St W. Mondays, January 9, 16, ...
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Monday, January 2, 2012

Ontario Trails - Ski, Sled, Hike, Bike or Paddle Ontario's Trails

Almost 10 million visited provincial parks
The Barrie Advance
“A truly diverse and dynamic destination, Ontario has a wealth of activities that ... Details on trails can be found at

Snowmobile Trails Remain Closed Despite Snowfall 580 CFRA Radio
"The OPP is strongly recommending to wait for the word from the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs and to see that the groomers are actually out grooming the trails. With the heavy snow that fell yesterday there is always the possibility that there ...
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Snowmobilers rescued from lake
The Sudbury Star
Ontario Provincial Police are investigating the incident, ... Community / Local happenings / ArticleFound Dog We have found a dog in the moonlight area at ...

Trillium Trail Network | Ontario Trails Council
The Ontario Trails Council promotes the development of trails. One method that is popular is the linear and loop trail concept. That is, as you use a trail, you are ...

Happy New Year from Oxford County - Oxford County Trails Council wishes all OTC Members a happy New Year. As we look forward to 2012 we are eager to present the best Trailhead Ontario Conference and Educational Program to the members of Ontario's rich and diverse trails community! As we gather with friends and family at this most joyous time of year we in Oxford are thinking of cross-country skiing, dog-sledding and all the opportunities winter affords us in Ontario in the great outdoors! Single day, and display registrations also available.~ Watch Trailhead Ontario for updates! Follow us on twitter- @trailheadon

Did you - Send a letter, invite a friend to Trailhead Ontario yet? Call to Action: OTC is asking for member help in promoting Trailhead 2012. E-mail us weekly and tell us who you've invited - the event will be a success with your help! Cathy Bingham and Wayne Daub, Oxford County Trails Committee - Your Trailhead Ontario 2012 Hosts -  invite you to view: Oxford County Videos

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