Showing posts with label Bay Street. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bay Street. Show all posts

Friday, August 30, 2013

Ontario Trails News - use your trails as a social enterprise - learn how from the Ontario Trillium Foundation!

Free Innoweave Social Enterprise webinar and workshop

Are you interested in learning more about Social Enterprise? Do you want to explore how it could help you achieve your mission? Do you have an idea for a new social enterprise that you'd like to develop?

If so, your organization may be interested in attending an upcoming Innoweave Social Enterprise webinar or workshop.

The Introduction to Social Enterprise webinar on September 13th at 12:00pm EDT will provide an overview of Social Enterprise and how organizations are using it to further their impact and enhance their sustainability.  An English version of the Webinar will be led by David LePage of Enterprising Nonprofits. Learn more about the webinar and register.

A French version of the Webinar will be led by CCO (Conseil de la coopération de l'Ontario) et leCentre canadien pour le renouveau communautaire (CCRC)

Learn more and register

Second, if your organization has a clear business idea that you would like to explore, your leadership team can apply to attend an Innoweave Social Enterprise Workshop. Seven workshops are planned for this Fall the locations outlined below. Each workshop is designed to help leadership teams of
2 - 4 people work on their idea for a social enterprise and develop a go forward plan to move
toward implementation. 

Participating non-profit organizations should arrive at the workshop with a working knowledge of social enterprise and a specific idea that they are hoping to develop. The workshop builds on theSocial Enterprise webinar and assumes that participants have full familiarity with webinar material.

Details for the English workshop
Date:Friday, October 25, 8:00am to 5:00pm EDT
led by David LePage from Enterprising Nonprofits
Location:Ontario Trillium Foundation,
800 Bay Street, 5th Floor, Toronto, ON
Applications close September 27th. Organizations will be notified by October 4th
Learn more and apply for this workshop

Details for the French workshops

Workshops in French will be presented by CCO and CCRC in the following locations:
Ottawa, ONle 23 octobre 2013
Alfred, ONle 29 octobre 2013
Sudbury, ONle 29 octobre 2013
Hearst, ONle 5 novembre 2013
Lafontaine, ONle 7 novembre 2013
Durham, ONle  9 novembre 2013
Applications close October 4th. Organizations will be notified by October 11th
Learn more and apply for a workshop
For all workshops, only one application form per team is required. Space is limited and priority will be given to organizations that have the capacity and readiness to start or expand social enterprise activities.

Finally, organizations that participate in any Innoweave workshop will be eligible to apply for a small grant to engage a coach to help them create a social enterprise. The next round of grants will be launched by November 2013. Learn more about Innoweave Implementation Grants

If you have any questions or are interested in bringing an Innoweave workshop to your community, please contact us at

Ontario Trillium Foundation and Innoweave Teams 

Webinaire et atelier gratuits sur l'entreprise sociale offerts par Innoweave 

Souhaitez-vous en apprendre davantage au sujet de l'entreprise sociale? Voulez-vous explorer les façons dont cela pourrait vous aider à réaliser votre mission? Avez-vous une idée de nouvelle entreprise sociale que vous aimeriez concrétiser?

Si la réponse est « oui », votre organisme pourrait vouloir assister à un webinaire ou à un atelier sur l'entreprise sociale qui seront offerts bientôt par Innoweave.

Le webinaire intitulé Introduction to Social Enterprise qui sera offert le 13 septembre prochain, à
12 h 00 (HAE), offrira un aperçu de ce qu'est une entreprise sociale et de la façon dont les organismes ont recours à cette structure afin d'accroître leur impact et d'améliorer leur viabilité.

Le Conseil de la coopération de l'Ontario (CCO) et le Centre canadien pour le renouveau communautaire (CCRC) offriront une version française du webinaire.

Cliquez pour en savoir davantage et pour vous inscrire
Si votre organisme a une idée précise d'entreprise qu'il aimerait explorer, votre équipe de direction peut soumettre une demande pour participer à un atelier intitulé Atelier d'Innoweave sur l'enterprise sociale.

On prévoit sept ateliers pour cet automne, un en anglais et six en français, et le lieu des ateliers est indiqué ci-dessous. Chaque atelier est conçu de manière à aider les équipes de direction de 2 à 4 personnes à développer leur idée d'entreprise sociale ainsi qu'à élaborer un plan d'action visant sa mise en œuvre.

Lorsque les membres des organismes sans but lucratif participants se présenteront à l'atelier, ils devront  avoir une connaissance pratique du concept d'entreprise sociale ainsi qu'une idée précise qu'ils souhaitent développer. Comme l'atelier s'appuie sur le webinaire sur l'entreprise sociale, les participants devront au préalable s'être familiarisés avec tout le matériel du webinaire. 

Détails sur l'atelier en anglais :
Date :Vendredi, 25 octobre, de 8 h 00 à 17 h 00 (HAE)
mené par David Le Page de Enterprising Nonprofits
Lieu :Fondation Trillium de l'Ontario,
800, rue Bay, 5e étage, Toronto, ON
Details sur les ateliers en français

Les ateliers en français seront présentés par le CCO et CCRC aux endroits suivants :
Ottawa, ONle 23 octobre 2013
Alfred, ONle 29 octobre 2013
Sudbury, ONle 29 octobre 2013
Hearst, ONle 5 novembre 2013
Lafontaine, ONle 7 novembre 2013
Durham, ONle 9 novembre 2013
Le nombre d'inscriptions est limité, et la priorité sera accordée aux organismes qui sont aptes et disposés à entreprendre ou élargir des activités d'entreprise sociale.
La date limite des demandes d'inscription est le 4 octobre prochain. Les organismes seront avisés concernant le statut de leur demande au plus tard le 11 octobre.
Cliquez pour en connaître plus sur le webinaire et soumettre une demande d'inscription
Une seule demande par équipe est requise.
Les organismes qui participeront à l'atelier pourront soumettre une demande en vue d'obtenir une petite subvention, afin de retenir les services d'un guide qui les aidera à créer une entreprise sociale. La prochaine ronde de subventions sera lancée en novembre 2013. Apprenez davantage sur les subventions de mise en œuvre d'Innoweave.

Si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez pas à communiquer avec

Les équipes de la Fondation Trillium de l'Ontario et d'Innoweave
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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Bruce Trail, Watefront Trail, Oak Ridges Morraine and 2597 more Ontario Trails!

Ontario Cycling Roads and Paths
City looks to connect its biking routes, Ottawa's new cycling 'links' are ...
EMC Ottawa East
Innovative cycling fixes like this new 'bike box' at Bay Street and Wellington Street are helping put Ottawa out front of other Ontario municipalities when it comes to bicycle infrastructure. EMC news - By the end of this month, there should be a ramp ...
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Barrie athletes off to Ontario Games
The Barrie Advance
Hardwood Ski and Bike might be an hour away from Toronto, but that won't stop the several cyclists who regularly use the famous trails from making the trip. Two of the athletes competing in the cycling event at Albion Hills Conservation Area are the ...
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South Niagara kayaker qualifies to compete in Ontario Summer Games
Welland Tribune
While Iannandrea is the only member of the South Niagara Canoe Club who qualified for the prestigious event, she will competing with athletes from other clubs in the doubles and the quad at the one-day competition taking place at the Welland ...
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Ride ATV Trail Networks in Ontario - Explore The Bruce - Bruce ...
With diligent work south of Hwy 21 by the Huron Shores ATV club and north of Hwy 21 by the South Bruce Peninsula ATV Club, trails are designed, developed, ...

Region will host first designated water trail
Atikokan Progress
The project, a partnership of Trans Canada Trail Ontario (TCTO, the provincial counterpart which is responsible for the 2000 kms to connect to Quebec and Manitoba), the federal TransCanada network and the economic development corporations in the ...
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Ontario Cup treks through Buckwallow
GRAVENHURST - The sixth stage of the summer-long, seven-race Plastiglas Ontario Mountain Bike Cup series tore through the trails of Buckwallow Cycling Centre this past weekend. Well more than 100 cyclists from across the province in various age ...


Guest Posting: Response to the Coroner's report on cycling deaths in
In June, 2012, the Ontario Coroner's office released the report: Cycling Death Review: A Review of All Accidental Cycling Deaths in Ontario from January 1st, ...

Dorel Distribution Canada (DDC) Voluntarily Issues Public Notice ...
TORONTO, Aug. 15, 2012 /CNW/ - Dorel Distribution Canada (DDC) is issuing a ... following models of adult and youth mountain bikes sold at Canadian Tire.

Your Ottawa Region
Ontario's chief coroner reviewed the circumstances of cyclist deaths across the province between 2006 and 2010, and found that 73 per cent of cases identified cyclist errors as contributing factors. The city's CAN-Bike portfolio manager Janice Phillips ...
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    • Local Trail News 
    • Trail Education Program

    • Trail Heros

    • Trailhead Ontario

    • Activity and User Updates

     View it Here

Trails Education Courses 2012
Trail Education Courses -  23 Sessions and Counting We have it all - 14 modules - and soon On-Line! Book Today.
Course Calendar  - click the link on the course name to download the flyer for that course!
Course Descriptions 
Register - click on your choice, register on-line 

We appreciate the support of the Ontario Trillium Foundation
Courses are for information and knowledge exchange purposes only. All courses are offered on a first come first serve basis. Instructors reserve the right to limit class sizes. Courses may be offered more than once in the calendar year. Some minimum student levels are necessary to run certain courses, so offered courses may change without notice

Tour de Greenbelt in Rouge Park! - September 15, 2012 | Ontario ...
Hello! I hope you are enjoying the summer in spite of the extreme heat. We are in the process of planning another Tour de Greenbelt in Rouge Park and would

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