Showing posts with label Biosphere Trail Council. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biosphere Trail Council. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Ontario Trails - Ski, Sled, Hike, Bike or Paddle Ontario's Trails

Gear Review: Marquette Backcountry Skis
Snowshoe Magazine
Historians claim, after all, that skis and snowshoes came from a common ancestor ... farm fields surrounding my home near Georgian Bay in Southern Ontario...

'Kissing bridges' of Northumberland County?
Northumberland News
... Northumberland County could add the 'kissing bridge capital of Ontario' to its ... online maps of heritage driving, cycling or walking tours, she said. ...

Tyendinaga and Tweed work together to link trails - Lifestyle - By ...
Lifestyle Tyendinaga and Tweed work together to link trails by Scott Pettigrew. ... 45 kilometres to the Eastern Ontario Trails Association's (EOTA) network of trails ...

February 2012 Trails Summit
The Frontenac Arch Biosphere Network ( ) is devoted to find to building a sustainable and prosperous life within the Biosphere. Among its many other initiatives, it sponsors the Biosphere Trail Council. The Council has decided to develop a vision and strategy for trails within the Biosphere.

We plan to hold a Trails Summit early in 2012 to harvest ideas and set the direction for the Strategy. In the run up to that, the Biosphere Trails Council is going to consult broadly with a range of stakeholders. We will be doing an electronic survey for an extended family of trail organization and users.

For further information, contact Jennie Kapusta at the Biosphere office ( or Andrew Graham, Chair, Biosphere Trails Council ( ).

A stitch in time
Tillsonburg News
The idea is to create something unique for tourists, especially from the US They will ... Tourism is one of their targets. The group has been able to secure ...

Ride sober, ride safe
The Barrie Advance
OPP Commissioner Chris Lewis is encouraging snowmobilers to stay sober and drive safely when traveling Ontario's trails this winter. Frank Matys ORILLIA - A battered snowmobile, strapped to the rear of a tow truck, occupied prime real estate outside ...
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Smart to wear helmets
Peterborough Examiner
By Dale R. Clifford It seems many skiers/snowboarders in Ontario think it]sa ... America with the lowest rate of cycling-related brain injuries in Canada. ...

Trail Smart 

Cardo Systems Awards scala rider G4(TM) PowerSet for Snowmobiles and Cash ...
MarketWatch (press release)
Cherry Creek Sno-Goers submitted the entry that won a scala rider® G4(TM) PowerSet for Snowmobiles and $300 to establish a youth chapter and encourage trail safety in the next generation. Eastern Ontario Snowmobile Club, received the snowmobile ...
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Try Cross Country Skiing in Ontario this Winter | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Try Cross Country Skiing in Ontario this Winter. ... photo. Try Cross Country Skiing in Ontariothis Winter. Comments and faves. Want to format your comment ? ...

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