Showing posts with label Cheese. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cheese. Show all posts

Monday, June 18, 2012

Trailhead Ontario Day 1 June 18, 2012

Wine and Cheese Reception hosted by Town of Ingersoll @6:30pm – at Centennial Park
Many thanks to Mayor Ted Comiskey, Warden Don McKay and too all the great folks at the Oxford Heritage Cheese Museum for their excellent hospitality and support of Trailhead Ontario. There were many speeches, kind remarks and the Director of the Museum provided insight to the history of cheese making in the County and its importance to Canada. J L Kraft learned how to make cheese here before going to the USA to create the Kraft Corporation. 

DAY 1 – Monday, June 18, 2012
Location: Elm Hurst Inn and Spa
TimePlanned ProgramPlanned Program
8:00 – 8:20am
Opening Remarks:
Warden Don McKay, Oxford County - Many thanks to Warden Don McKay for his welcoming remarks and his recognition that provincial conferences such as Trailhead Ontario are a real benefit to places like Oxford County. The \warden expressed his hope that folks had a chance during the work of the event to get out and enjoy the many magnificent trails of Oxford County.
Mayor Ted Comiskey, Mayor of Ingersoll Many thanks to Mayor Comiskey for the kind remarks and the note of appreciation from the Town of Ingersoll who was pleased to sponsor the event at the beautiful Elm Hurst Inn and Spa
8:20 – 9:00am
The Ontario Trails Strategy – Renewed Mandate
Carol Oitment, Project Manager; Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport
Larry Ketcheson, CEO, Parks and Recreation Ontario.
John Lohuis, BA, MBA, CMMIII; Canadian Parks and Recreation Association
Moderator: Damian Bradley, Chair Trillium Trail Education Program
This session provided up to date information on the status of the 2007 Ontario Trails Strategy, and its relationship with the Recreational Framework, re-written in 2011. Carol Oitment re-affirmed that trails are supported by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport and they have the mandate for both implementation and support of recreation and trails. Our panel led the way in detailing the policies pf Park and Recreation Ontario and Canada how PRO and CPRA lend support to trails in Ontario.
9:00 – 10:00am
Carolinian Canada Coalition: Planning the Erie Coast Stewardship Eco Trail
Invited Speakers:
Michelle Kantor, Executive Director, CCC Trail
Moderator: Cathy Bingham, Past-Director, CCC Trail

Participants heard how the Carolinian Canada partnership network is protecting and restoring the last of the Carolinian Forest across southwestern Ontario, an area under great pressure. We heard how to balance landscape protection with diverse land uses and interests. Michele told the group how this unique trail concept is stewarding rare species and coastal health while promoting enjoyment of Canada’s south coast through green tourism strategies.
10:10 – 11:00amTrails Education – About the OTC Program
Invited Speakers:
Jane Trakalo, Program Development, Algonquin College
Graham Burke, Facilitator, Ontario Trails Education Program
Moderator: Damian Bradley, Chair Trillium Trail Education Program
We heard how to become a trail development leader! Launching in Ontario – first ever series of 14 courses in the development and management of trails. Designed for both volunteers and professionals. Participants learned more about the various program elements, the calendar of courses, how we select the content, on-line learning options and more. 
11:00 – 11:50amTowards a Provincial Cycling Strategy
Invited Speakers:
Michael Canzi and Robert Dolezel, Sustainable Transportation Office, Ministry of Transportation
Doug Cota, President, Cycle Ontario
Howard Pulver, President, Bike-On Tours
Moderator: Alan Medcalf, Board Member, Ontario Trails Council
In 2011 the Ontario Ministry of Transportation initiated a cycling data collection project.  The intent of the project was to gather best practice information from both within the province and around the world on the various considerations that need to be taken into account should Ontario wish to develop a provincial cycling route network.  The project also collected data on bicycle route networks across the province, such as selected municipal and tourism focused routes, in order to get a better understanding of where people are currently cycling for recreational purposes. In this session the Ministry, and some of our leading Cycling Partners discussed best practices learned through the completion of this project.
12:00 – 1:00pm
Luncheon – Grand Ballroom
Ontario Trails Council AGM – Heritage Room
We elected a new Board for more information please see:
1:00 – 2:00pm

Provincial – National Trails Panel With Remarks from – Minister of Tourism and Culture, The Honourable Michael Chan
Invited Speakers:
Robert Ramsay, Director, Canadian Off-Highway Vehicles
John Cushing, President, Canadian Trails Federation
Moderator: Wayne Daub, All Terrain Quad Council of Canada
Once again the OTC appreciates the support of the Canadian Trails Federation and The National Trails Coalition as Bob Ramsay from NTC and John Cushing from CTF reported on their efforts nationally in Ottawa, and across all 13 territories and provinces, as they work to implement, improve and provide funding for trail development. Both Bob and John provided insight for groups that require a few more dollars to get that project off the ground, or for folks who are just interested in how other provinces do trails, as they work to secure more funds in 2013 
2:00-2:50pmRegional Trail Initiatives
CASO Line Project with Kathryn Kielstra, Chatham Kent Trails
The Kissing Bridge Trailway: A Downpayment on the Guelph to Goderich Greenway – with Chris Gosselin, Planner, Waterloo Region
Guelph Trans Canada Trail –Rail with Trail Design and Construction – with Amanda Gebhardt, Landscape Architect, MMM Group
Moderator: Patrick Connor, Ontario Trails Council

In this session we profiled 3 projects of regional significance. All of these projects shared details on how they are improving regional tourism visitations, regional heritage, are opening regional lands for trail use and promote the regional sense of trails – networks and connectivity. This is important.  Each of these projects provided a different angle on trail type and pathway to project completion. We learned about how these types of trail are benefitting the region and how you may get a similar project underway in your region.
3:15 – 4:30pmNorthern Trail Projects Nipigon Rail To Trail -
with David Shepherd, Facilitator, Kinghorn Rail Trail Project
Path of the Paddle -
with Kirsten Spence, Trans Canada Trail Ontario
Some feedback indicated these were the best sessions of the day! Vast spaces, 100’s of kilometers at a stretch, limited resources, no people, no infrastructure – Northern Ontario is different and so are the demands on trail implementation organizations. We heard about Path and Paddle and the Kinghorn Rail Trail leadership describe the immense space, community support and they way they are building trails in the North.
5:00 – 9:00pmWarden’s BBQ
6:00pm to 8:00pm
Elm Hurst Carriage House

Thanks to Oxford County for the BBQ!
Canadian Trails Federation
Annual General Meeting – Heritage Room

The meetings was held, for more detail contact the CTF
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