Showing posts with label Collingwood Football Club. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Collingwood Football Club. Show all posts

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Ontario Trails - the Best in Trails from Ontario Trails!

OPA Forum February 6th, 2012

Signage on Ontario Trails

Join OTC at Congress this Year

Locator boards at the trail head/entrance to trails that are not visible from the road:
The signs below are placed on a post along the trail and the post numbers correspond to the numbers on the locator board; when emergency services arrive at the trail head and are given the street number (175 Eleventh Line) and post number by the 911 operator they are directed to the location of the post which they have to access either by foot or ATV.
Manager of Parks; Parks, Recreation & Culture I Town of Collingwood I 705.444.2500 ext 3290

Cross Country Canada - Ontario XCountry Trails

From TBCT - Ontario Hiking trails
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Friday, December 21, 2012

Ontario Trails - Update from Risk Management Course - Signage on Ontario Trails

Join OTC at Congress this Year

Locator boards at the trail head/entrance to trails that are not visible from the road:

The signs below are placed on a post along the trail and the post numbers correspond to the numbers on the locator board; when emergency services arrive at the trail head and are given the street number (175 Eleventh Line) and post number by the 911 operator they are directed to the location of the post which they have to access either by foot or ATV.

Manager of Parks; Parks, Recreation & Culture I Town of Collingwood I 705.444.2500 ext 3290

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