Showing posts with label Doug. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doug. Show all posts

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Ontario Trails - Sled, Ski, Hike or Ride Ontario's Trails

Cycle Ontario - looking for your cycling story -see their linked in page

Dear Supporter: If you have material you'd like circulated please send it along! We'll send it out every Friday, or post it immediately on one of our pages, where applicable!

Trailhead Ontario: June 17-19, 2012, Oxford County, OntarioRegistration is live! 2 registrants! Single day, and display registrations also available.~ Watch Trailhead Ontario for updates!

Did you - Send a letter, invite a friend to Trailhead Ontario yet? Call to ActionOTC is asking for member help in promoting Trailhead 2012. E-mail us weekly and tell us who you've invited - the event will be a success with your help! Cathy Bingham and Wayne Daub, Oxford County Trails Committee - Your Trailhead Ontario 2012 Hosts -  invite you to view: Oxford County on FacebookLike us 

Issues and Help Wanted: FYI watch our posts we had 87,000 people look at our facebook wall in November. See links below

2) E-Bikes - Velma Watters is working with the Bancroft Trails Committee to discuss this issue. Please send any ideas or e-bike policies to Velma at:

3) MNR and Trails - E-mail adjustment! -  Thanks to those who have forwarded new trail information! We are working to audit our trail inventory. Please send information or updates to:

Membership - Invoices for 2012 have been sent. Contact Laura Peddie, OTC Membership Coordinator, - 705-742-2222 or with questions. You can pay on PayPal . Thanks to members that have renewed in response to the membership renewal notices - please be sure to send yours along! Thanks.

Ontario Trails Training Program Update: The OTC Program Review Team continues to meet. Watch for us at Landscape Ontario Horticultrual Trades Association Congress - Jan 10-14; 2011. Follow the program on facebook - watch for course updates and content outlines! Contact Graham Burke, OTC Education and Skills Program facilitator with questions or suggestions.519-941-8911, or

Our Board - meets again January 11th, 2012.

Occupiers Liability Act - Update in law - In Turner v. Kitchener (City) [2011] O.J. No. 4803, the plaintiff was riding his bike along a recreational trail in Kitchener. It was his regular route and time of travel which put him on the trail at 5:15 am.Earlier that day vandals had set fire to a bridge along the trail and after investigating, the police and fire personnel had blocked off the bridge with a wooden barricade and yellow caution tape. More.....

Ministry of Health Promotion and Sport - Sport and recreation joins Tourism and Culture. Health promotion interests will join the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care. The Pan Am Games will be a stand alone secretariat reporting to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration. See press release

NEWS - We tweet news @ontrails These stories are found at:

Active Living - Don't stop moving Toronto Sun “Wearing of the joints, although it's not caused by aging, is related to aging,” Dr. Michael Clarfield, director of The Sports Medicine Specialists clinic in Toronto, tells Sun Media. “As we get older, a lot of people experience wear in the joints and ... See all stories on this topic »

Conservation Ontario - Celebrate the Season at Ontario's Conservation Areas To help celebrate the season, Conservation Authorities across Ontario are hosting festive events. Enjoy a traditional dinner, make holiday crafts, cozy up on a ...

Hiking - Ontario Hiking Trails - send your trail today!

Horses - OnHorseTrails 

Dog-Sledding - Ontario Dog Sled Trails

Cross-Country Skiing Ontario Cross Country Ski Trails

Motorcycling - Ontario Dirt Bike Trails

Cycling - OnCyclingTrails

Snowmobiling - Buy your pass today!

Snowshoe - OnSnowTrails

Canoeing and Kayaking - Ontario Water Trails

Survey Highlight - please complete these two – Economic Impact of TrailsBlue-Green Trail Environments.

    Social Networking: don’t forget to join anyone of the following information tools:

    Photos - over 40 trail sets at Flickr - send us your photos today!

    Videos - hundreds catalogued at Youtube - send us yours today, support our site!
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