Showing posts with label Dudley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dudley. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Ontario Trail News - Learn to Ride, Cycling Road Issues, OPA Fundraiser and more from Ontario Trails!

Learn to ride at summer campPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Bob Owen   
Tuesday, 09 July 2013 23:41
There is still some time for Cramahe area kids to sign up for summer horseback-riding, day camp at the 33-acre Silver Lake Stables on Dudley Rd. west of the Big Apple.

horse 1Owner/instructor MaryAnn Tildsley says there are a few spots available in the five-day, boys-only camp starting on July 22. There are also a few spots left in the last mixed camp of the summer which starts on August 19.

MaryAnn has been teaching riding for 31 years and has owned the stable for 12. She realizes that camp has to be kept small to be effective. So, the maximum is set at six kids at the sessions which run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.. That way she can keep close watch on the riders to ensure they are learning the methods recommended by the Ontario Equestrian Federation. She wants her riders to stretch themselves - using the correct methods. Her other goal is to teach safe horsemanship. She keeps a 2:1 camper to instructor ratio so that all of her riders are safe. When they are finished their camp the kids should have improved their fitness and become more ready to show the horse they have been riding.

The weekly camps follow a routine, starting with Monday instruction on human/horse relationships. It's important for the riders to build relationships with the horses before they saddle up in the ring. Tuesday's activities include a skill-related horse2treasure hunt and fitness development. The fun builds as the week progresses and Wednesday's highlight is the horses' horse show. Thursday is costume day and on Friday the week closes with a cowboy picnic.

The Tildesley family continues to invest in the stable operation. The riding ring/stable now has a new roof, completely revamped arena, and new stall fronts. The paddocks are new and so is the fencing.

It's been a family affair with son-in-law Rick Bellamy doing a lot of the physical work, daughter Andrea (who is a level eight rider) handling the books and MaryAnn's husband helping out in numerous capacities.

Some of the junior counsellors are former students who are now at the top end of the 6-16 camper age group.

horse 3A one-week session at camp costs $300 plus HST. MaryAnn can be contacted on her cell phone at 905-922-6892. or through the Silver Lake Stables website .

Learn to ride at summer camp

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Elderly Cyclist Hospitalized After Collision on Osler Drive

By Ryan McGreal
Published July 09, 2013
Hamilton Police report that an 80-year-old male cyclist is in hospital with "serious, life-threatening injuries" following a collision with an automobile. The collision took place on Osler Drive in Dundas at 11:18 AM on Monday, July 8.
Police are still investigating. Anyone who has information is asked to contact Detective-Constable Hendrik Vandercraats at 905-546-4755 or Detective-Constable Wes Wilson at 905-546-4753.
Senior citizens are among the most vulnerable road users, especially when they are attempting to walk and cycle on city streets. They are disproportionately over-represented in collisions, injuries and deaths.
Last year, the Ontario Coroner issued reports on cyclists and pedestrians and in both cases recommended that cities and the Province adopt a "complete streets" approach to create public spaces that are safe and accommodating to everyone.
From the Cycling report:
A "complete streets" approach should be adopted to guide the redevelopment of existing communities and the creation of new communities throughout Ontario. Such an approach would require that any (re-)development give consideration to enhancing safety for all road users, and should include:
*Creation of cycling networks (incorporating strategies such as connected cycling lanes, separated bike lanes, bike paths and other models appropriate to the community.) * Designation of community safety zones in residential areas, with reduced posted maximum speeds and increased fines for speeding.
From the Pedestrian report:
Ontarians not only need to walk, they need to walk safely. To do so, they need safe walking spaces. It is believed that with high quality engineered design, universal accessibility and a dedication to safety where pedestrians are of paramount importance, it will be possible to decrease pedestrian deaths.
In Hamilton, where the idea of streets for everyone has been slow to catch on, senior citizens continue to be disproportionately represented in collisions, injuries and deaths. Last December, an 87-year-old woman was killed crossing Governor's Road at Overfield, a site where hundreds of residents had previously signed a petition asking for a crosswalk.
Just last month, an 83-year-old died from her injuries sustained in a collision with an automobile at Upper Gage and Mohawk.
As the Ontario Coroner reminds us, these are preventable deaths. If we designed our streets to be safe and accommodating to all users - pedestrians, cyclists, transit users and motorists, from young children to elderly seniors - they would be safer and healthier for everyone.
Ryan McGreal, the editor of Raise the Hammer, lives in Hamilton with his family and works as a programmer, writer and consultant. Ryan volunteers with Hamilton Light Rail, a citizen group dedicated to bringing light rail transit to Hamilton. Several of his essays have been published in the Hamilton Spectator, and he occasionally blogged for OpenFile Hamilton. Ryan also maintains a personal website and has been known to post passing thoughts on twitter.

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