Showing posts with label Earth Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Earth Day. Show all posts

Friday, April 27, 2012

Ontario Trails - Hike, Ride, Use and Conserve Ontario's Trails

Hamilton, Ontario strategic plan includes redeveloping industrial land, rapid ...
Daily Commercial News
City politicians in Hamilton, Ontario voted Wednesday in favour of a strategic plan which includes a new zoning bylaw, redevelopment strategies for harbour and industrial lands and a biosolidsmanagement plan. City Council approved the 2012-2015 ...
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Bingwi Neeyashi Anishinaabek: Profile of a community on the move
Wawatay News
Earlier this yeah BNA was one of two First Nations in Ontario selected for a coveted Land Management Act that eliminates many of the restrictions placed on First Nations under the Indian Act. And late last year the community was one of eight First ...
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Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan - Ten Years Later
ECO/Huff Strategy (press release)
April, 2012 marks the 10th anniversary for the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan (ORMCP). Hailed as one of Ontario's most successful and innovative “environment-first” pieces of legislation, the ORMCP has provided a pathway to better planning on the ...
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New exhibit at Canadian Canoe Museum explores history of portable ...
Peterborough Examiner
The boats on display just inside the museum's main entrance include a folding kayak, a Douglas folding boat and an Ontario government canoe that breaks ...

Earth Day celebration at Landon Bay Centre another great success ...
EMC St. Lawrence
... Museum in the Suitcase and 1000 Islands Kayaking. They also went to the Upper Canada District School Board, The Catholic School Board of Eastern Ontario ...

Winners Announced in the Great Places in Canada Contest
MarketWatch (press release)
OTTAWA, ONTARIO, Apr 26, 2012 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- After four months of voting and over 200000 e-ballots being cast by people from across the country, the winning locations in the second annual Great Places in Canada contest were unveiled today.
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Jane's Walks: South Armour Heights — Federation of North Toronto ...
Saturday, May 5, 2011 at 1:00 p.m. Jane Jacobs was a famous urbanologist who lived in Toronto, a person who was passionate about protecting and enhancing ...

Community Calendar
Community Press
Sponsored by Warkworth Community Service Club with generous support from the ... 9 am to 4 pm Bridge Hospice Walk-a-thon — 9 am registration, walk begins at ...

Warm weather and bicycle riders
The Morrisburg Leader
Cycling is a fun, healthy activity and an inexpensive way to get around. Before you go out follow these safety tips to ensure a safe and enjoyable ride: be equipped, know the rules, watch for hazards, and ride responsibly. The Ontario Highway Traffic ...
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Trail Education Courses -  23 Sessions and Counting We have it all - 14 modules - and soon On-Line! Book Today.

Course Calendar  - click the link on the course name to download the flyer for that course!

Register - click on your choice, register on-line

Courses are for information and knowledge exchange purposes only. All courses are offered on a first come first serve basis. Instructors reserve the right to limit class sizes. Courses may be offered more than once in the calendar year. Some minimum student levels are necessary to run certain courses, so offered courses may change without notice.

Guelph a big wheel in cycling world
Guelph Mercury
Safer for cyclists A cyclist waits in the city's first bike box at the intersection of Chancellor's Way and Stone Road last June. At the 4th annual Ontario Bike Summit in Toronto, this week, Guelph earned a bronze in the Bicycle Friendly Communities ...

Calabogie Classic Ontario Cup |
Report by Véronik Bourgon. Calabogie Classic!! Memories from last year came surging in my head… Attacks, chasing and nasty wind. Last year I did not have a ...

The question kinda' explains itself. I'm located around an hour away from Toronto , and I've always dreamed of being a jump-jockey. I know places in Europe are ...

Talking Change: Complete Streets Forum and The Ontario Bike ...
The Toronto Coalition for Active Transportation (TCAT)'s Complete Streets Forum , followed by Share the Road Cycling Coalition's two-day Ontario Bike Summit ...

Treetop Trekking closer to sprouting up at wharf
Representatives from Treetop Trekking, an Ontario-based outdoor... “The project will complement the many events and features while maintaining the natural ...

Advocates get good news on new Rouge national park
Globe and Mail
Also Friday, the Alliance approved a plan for trails to be built in the park and referred it to Parks Canada. The valley of the Rouge River is a long strip of parkland that formsToronto's eastern boundary. A group of young paddlers are photographed ...
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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ontario Trails News - April 21, 2011 Round Up

 Camping for first-timers
South Asian Focus
They will also get an introduction to park activities such as hiking and swimming. - Overnight sessions in Ontario Parks close to Toronto - Bronte Creek, ...

Ontario side by side trail log - ATV Canada - Canada's ATV Website
ATVCanada features atving and quadding on quads and atv's across Canada and has trail maps, ATVing and ATV Quad Quadding pictures from Canadian locations ...

City to ask federal agency to relocate coal dock fence
The Kingston Whig-Standard
... installed at the old coal dock on Lake Ontario, to enable people to use the waterfront trail... as well as an air taxi business and local tourism...

Twitter / Canada tourism: Walking about #Toronto's D ...
Walking about #Toronto's Distillery District ^CH.

Earth Day Brings Joy of Walking to School into Focus
CNW Group
Sandra Brooks, a mom from Brampton, Ontario, says of her daughter, ... to create neighbourhoods where walking and cycling to school becomes the norm? ...

Group of Seven topic of spring meeting
Stoney Creek News
Spring/summer events include canoeing (one-day river trips to week-long excursions), hiking and several other social outings. From beginner to expert, ...

From Bruce to Barrie, Ontario offers unique ways to spoil Mom this ...
With activities and locales rangingВ from decadent to unique, ... Only a couple of hours outside of Toronto, this trail is perfect for foodies and of course ...

2011 Mountain Bike thread - Page 5 - Toronto Subaru Club
hey guys, good trails near midhurst in the north end of barrie. and theyre free unlike hardwood. within the next few weeks ide like to get for a ride.

View of Toronto skyline from Toronto Harbour. ...Image via Wikipedia

7th Annual Toronto Walk Now for Autism Speaks Walk Now for Autism Speaks is a fun-filled event bringing together members from across the autism community in the GTA. Families, friends, teachers, service ...

What's Happening This Week
EMC Orleans
EMC Events - EDITORIAL DEADLINE: In order to make sure that your community notice .... and guided group cycling for all levels with the Ottawa Bicycle Club...

Carleton Place Canoe Club Eastern Ontario Division 2011 Event ...
Carleton Place Canoe Club. Eastern Ontario Division. 2011 Event Schedule. Final – April, 2011. Date. Event. Athletes Involved. Location ...

Regional Round-Up
EMC Smiths Falls
Support the United Way at the Brockville Club (Courthouse Square), ... Outdoor walking group, urban poling optional. Thursdays, 10:00 am for 1 hour, ...

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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Ontario Trails News - April 14, 2011 - Round Up

Forest in Mono Cliffs Provincial Park on the B...Image via Wikipedia
Local woman named Green Leader by Trees Ontario
Orangeville Banner
She stumbled upon the 50 Million Tree Program, managed by Trees Ontario in partnership with local tree planting agencies and conservation authorities across the province. Offering subsidies and tree planting support to landowners with the goal to plant ...
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Ontario Trails 
Conservation Ontario
Trees Ontario                                                

Canada's History Society and the Canadian Museums Association ...
Canada NewsWire
... Ontario that are still recounted more than 150 years later. ... The organization publishes Canada's History magazine and Kayak: Canada's History ...
Ontario Canoe and Kayak Trails   ORCKA  Wilderness Canoe Association

Ganaraska River, Port Hope, Ontario, CanadaImage via WikipediaKPR Schools Mark Earth Day With Clean-Ups, Special Events
Please contact the schools directly for details on their events. ... Ganaraska Trail PS, Port Hope, will hold a special assembly dedicated to Earth Day and ...
Canadian Biospheres
Kawartha Trails
Ganaraska Trail

Community Calendar
Community Press
Advanced tickets are required for this event. Call 613-475-4005. Trash Bash: April 16 – Spring Clean Up on Lower Trent Trail. Volunteers all ages welcomed. ...

Earth Week events
NOW Toronto
Beamers Falls Bus trip for a hike with Toronto Bruce Trail Club. 9:30 am. $23. York Mills subway. Community Environment Day Hazardous waste disposal, electronics recycling, free compost and more. 10 am-2 pm. Free. ...
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Police would like to remind ATV riders that it is illegal to operate an ATV while ... Foundation announces grants for Timmins area and Northeastern Ontario ...
Ontario ATV Trails
ATV Smart
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