Showing posts with label Mark Oldershaw. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mark Oldershaw. Show all posts

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Ontario Trails - OFSC Seeks Safety Campaign Proposals, and more about Ontario's Trails!

OFSC Seeks Safety Campaign Proposals

The Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs is currently seeking proposals from qualified individuals or organizations to provide project planning, implementation, and administrative oversight for the de
velopment of a Responsible Rider Safety Campaign. A copy of the Request for Proposals document can be found here:

2012 Ontario Cycling Association Year End Awards Survey
Please cast your vote for the road awards below. The option with the most votes at the close of the survey will be awarded the Cycling Celebration Award at the ...

Hansel out to defend NOSSA cross-country title
The North Bay Nugget
... Northern Ontario Secondary School Athletics senior boys' cross-country title ... Bay Nordic SkiClub was the Widdifield Wildcats foursome of McCubbin, ...

Ontario Trails Mobile App

Trail Education

Our event calendar shows weekly adjustments to our course offerings. It also provides links to course information, in PDF flyer format, registration, and location of course through a google map or other means.

Be sure to use our array of press or other flyers to circulate to your local papers or possible attendees. All available for use - call - 877-668-7245 or 519-941-8911, or 1-866-560-7783

Weekly Newsletter Here!


Ontario Trails: Ontario Trails - Presents at Conservation Ontario ...
The Ontario Trails Council spoke to Conservation Area Managers and Trail operators October 24th. We covered the topic of trailbuilding, as well as aspects of ...

CanoeKayak Canada names Scott Oldershaw head coach of national sprint team
660 News
Canadian Olympians Mark Oldershaw (left) and Adam van Koeverden attend a media day at the Burloak Canoe Club in Oakville, Ontario on Wednesday, June 13, 2012. Scott Oldershaw, Mark's father, was named head coach of CanoeKayak Canada's ...
See all stories on this topic »

Smartphones changing Ontario tourism business 0
London Free Press
Jamie Kent, owner-operator of Grand Experiences Canoe and Kayak Outfitter in Paris, Ont, says mobile have changed his business including the reservation ...


City Pilots Ontario Trails Activity Project
October 2 2012 In a collaborative effort with theOntario TrailsCouncil the City of Thunder Bay Parks Division has initiated an innovative trail use survey ...

Current trails being surveyed include:              Norfolk Sunrise Trail survey                 Delhi Rail Trail survey          The Waterford Heritage Trail survey         The Lynn Valley Trail survey

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