Showing posts with label OTC Strategic Outline 2015-16. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OTC Strategic Outline 2015-16. Show all posts

Friday, October 9, 2015

Ontario Trails News - trail funding sources, support our work, Edge Auditor and OTC AGM

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Edge Auditor offering Newest Version

Ontario Trails AGM
We elected a new Board. Thanks to outgoing Board members, Frieda Baldwin, Zane Davies, Igor Hoogendoorn and

Members are:
Acting President - Jack De Wit, Canadian Recreational Horse and Rider Association
Acting V.P. - Dan Andrews, Lake Simcoe Region CA
Acting Sec/Treas. - Bonnie Simpson; Individual
Members - Wayne Terryberry, McMaster; William Mungall, Hike Ontario; Tracey-Lynn Bell, Niagara Trails Committee; Paul Ronan, Ontario Parks Association; Jason Davis, Renfrew County Forestry; Wayne Daub, OFATV, Lora Woolner, IMBA Canada; Graham Burke; Individual; Mike Clewer, OFSC; and Patrick Connor (Ex-officio)

Those attending asked that the OTC do the following:
  • Press for release of the Trail Survey conducted by the MTCS in the spring of 2015
  • "Be Bold"
  • Secure sustainable funding
  • Work on Access Issues
Thanks to all who participated.

OTC Strategic Outline Tabled at OTC AGM

For more information on our directions and intentions, join the OTC and then contact the OTC Office for more information.

Meeting with Minister Coteau

As the lead organization for trails in Ontario, it's important we meet with the lead Minister for Trails, Minister Michael Coteau. We have a meeting scheduled for November 2015. We encourage you to assist us in making better trails through partnership with government by:
  • Taking out an OTC Membership
  • Renewing your OTC Membership
  • By being a member you can come to the AGM on the 24th and shape our discussion on the 30th.
  • By being a member you benefit and support other groups interested in professional, transparent partnership with government in the interest of all trails!

Please consider supporting our work

Please consider making a donation or taking out a membership today! We rely on the generous support of the Canadian trail community to allow us to do our work.

Our Mission - to promote the preservation, management, use and development of trails.

Everyday, somewhere in Ontario we educate, support a group, lead or assist a community improving its quality of life through trails.


Need Funding? - Here's a list of where to turn

Often we hear from trail groups - most recently TRCA, G2G, Elgin County and Lennox and Addington who want to develop trails, but there is no strategic or business plan in place. Most grants develop programs and services or fund service provision.

We want to hear from you - where did you get funding for your strategic plan for your trails? Could include master plan or other plans that involve trails. Thanks. 613-484-1140

National Trails Coalition - infrastructure (closed) - but reviewing their grant app would get your docs prepped for a different application

Ontario Trillium Foundation - 4 streams, including capital
There are a number of provincial grant applications you could explore but you have to be registered with the Grants Ontario System to see the applications by Ministry - closed till next round - see the website for more details.
MEDIE - has a stream - more for eco development, and the Invest in Ontario Funds - I might suggest regional funding streams includes Southern Ontario Prosperity and NOHFC programs
Also the Federal Enabling Accessibility Fund - Eligible Grant Recipients Include:
Not-for-profit organizations;
Small businesses;
Aboriginal organizations (including band councils, tribal councils and self-government entities);
Territorial governments; and,
Municipalities are eligible to submit an application only for projects that deliver activities under Priority #1 (enhancing access to recreational spaces for children with disabilities).
Indigenous Peoples Aboriginal Economic Development Fund - grant stream
Great Lakes Guardian Fund - Grants are available for projects that take place in Ontario within the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River Basin. This includes: Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, the St. Lawrence River, the Ottawa River, their connecting channels, and their watersheds. This guide includes a map to help you identify your watershed.
There are  other infrastructure grants you could pursue through the relationships you have with the County - they can use gas tax surplus for infrastructure grants -
Cycling Funds CycleON Strategy
Building cycling infrastructure is important in helping us achieve the vision of #CycleON: Ontario's Cycling Strategy: Ontario as a great place to ride a bike.
OMAFRA also offers a long list - you'll have to pick a stream and discuss with a program manager

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