Showing posts with label On-line Learning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label On-line Learning. Show all posts

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Ontario Trails News - updates on events, support our work, earn your certificate in trails and more!

Trails Talk

Join us every other Tuesday at 1pm EST for a lively half hour discussion on trail issues of importance to the trails community. We will be using our Google Hangout to facilitate our Trail Talks. So make sure you have a gmail account and the hangout app added to your gplus account.

How to Join a Hangout

Invited presenters include:
April 12th, 2016 - Trail Building - are you interested? What is trail building all about? Who does it and the skills you need, with stories from trail builder Zane Davies. Register on Eventbrite

New calendar in development!
Upcoming Event



Are you looking for new techniques, games, initiatives and memorable ways to close 
out your trip or course? Then this is the Seminar for you! 

Join Shawn Stetson from AdventureWorks Association Inc in the morning to explore 
 How to connect and reconnect your group and create a sense of community
 Learn new ways to teach leadership through dynamic activities while at the 
same time exploring Leadership behaviours
 Explore 2 new tools to assist you in planning effective programs
 Reflect on your facilitation techniques while exploring new approaches

Finally, no course or trip is complete without a closing activity.  Join ORCKA’s very 
own Linda Leckie after lunch to explore

 Meaningful and effective ways to bring closure to your group
 Use Experiential Education Theory to discover the reason behind reflection and 
transfer activities 

Date:  Saturday April 9th, 2016 
Time:   9:00 am-4:00 pm 
Location: Norval Outdoor Education Centre,
10444 Winston Churchill Blvd, Norval, ON, LOK IPO 

Cost:  $90.00 Members       EARLY BIRD RATE: $85.00 
$100.00 Non-Members 
Members register online in your secure member area, under “My Seminars” 

Non-Members contact Bonnie Fisher at the ORCKA - or 416-426-7016 


Camping and/or Cabin (unheated) accommodations are available: $15.00 / night

Earn Your Trails Certificate from Algonquin College

algonquin college trail courses
Trail Planning
Course: OAD3001
This course is listed under the following fields of study:
Community Studies
Health Studies / Animal Care / Nursing
Hospitality & Tourism
Within the trail industry, there are trail standards and maintenance practices to follow. Students acquire base-level knowledge of organizing and planning trail systems and learn to recognize and utilize the necessary steps to plan and create a sustainable trail. This is accomplished through the usage of provincial legislation and the incorporation of interpretive and educational trail signage within a trail system.

Please consider supporting our work

We wish to thank all those organizations who have renewed their membership. Please renew today, our work is more important than ever! Help us help groups keep their trails open!
Please consider making a donation or taking out a membership today! We rely on the generous support of the Canadian trail community to allow us to do our work.

Our Mission - to promote the preservation, management, use and development of trails.

Everyday, somewhere in Ontario we educate, support a group, lead or assist a community improving its quality of life through trails.

Ask us how we make a difference! Thanks
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