Showing posts with label Ontario 150 Grants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ontario 150 Grants. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Ontario Trails News - news about Ontario's Trails, information, membership or provide feedback about your Ontario Trail!

Answer a Survey

Canada Parks and Recreation Association working group releases RFP

cpra logo

Please find a link to a Request for Proposal for professional services in French and English to complete the next phase of edits and reviews for Parks for All - A Shared Vision for Canada’s Parks Community.  Proposals are due July 25, 2016 and it would be greatly appreciated if you could broadcast this request to potential bidders in your networks.  This undertaking is jointly sponsored by the Canadian Parks Council (CPC) and the Canadian Parks and Recreation Association (CPRA), and is administratively supported by the Alberta Recreation and Parks Association (APRA).

As always, many thanks for your support and willingness to share this request broadly,

Murray Kopp (CPRA) and  Dawn Carr (CPC)
Parks for All Co-Chairs

Les membres de la Comité national consultatif :

Ci-inclus, trouvez un lien à la Demande to proposition pour les services professionnel en français et en anglais pour compléter la prochaine phase de modifications et révisions pour Des Parcs Pour Tous – Une vision commune pour le réseau des parcs du Canada.  Les propositions sont à remettre par le 25 juillet 2016 et ce serait tellement apprécié si vous pouviez diffuser cette demande aux offrants potentiels dans vos listes de distributions.  Cette œuvre est parrainée conjointement par le Conseil canadien des parcs (CCP) et l’Association canadien des parcs et loisirs (ACPL), et est soutenue administrativement par l’Association d’Alberta des loisirs et parcs (AALP).

Je vous remercie énormément de l’appui de partager cette demande de façon générale,
Murray Kopp (ACPL) et Dawn Carr (CCP)
Coprésidents de Des parcs pour tous

Murray Kopp
Chair – Parks Task Group
Canadian Parks & Recreation Association

Director - Parks Services
Regional District of Central Okanagan
1450 K.L.O. Road, Kelowna, BC  V1W 3Z4
250 469-6232 |
Sign-up to receive the Regional Parks e-Newsletter

Are you a Destination Marketing Organization?

Please take a couple of minutes and send us your contact information.

Ontario Trails are currently engaged with RTO's in seeking improved data for the Ontario Trails Council website, as well as crafting Trails Tourism Action Plans with each RTO and their partners.

Add your contact information here:


Ontario 150 Offering Grants!
ontario 150 funding

Apply for funding

There are three funding programs you can apply for:
  • Community Celebration Program (application opens July 6 and closes September 2, 2016)
  • Partnership Program (application opens July 6 and closes September 30, 2016)
  • Community Capital Program (application opens July 18 and closes  September 14, 2016)

Ontario150 Community Celebration Program

This program will help to support initiatives that celebrate and commemorate Canada and Ontario’s 150th anniversary.

Ontario150 Partnership Program

This program supports collaborative projects that foster new partnerships and innovative ways to engage and empower youth.

Ontario150 Community Capital Program

This program helps municipalities, not-for-profit community organizations and Indigenous communities improve existing infrastructure through repairs, renovations or retrofitting.

G2G Funding Campaign AnnouncementPreview YouTube video G2G Rail Trail Crowdfunding Teaser
Thanks to your efforts, over $20,000 has been raised in 2016 from individual donations, and to celebrate we’re having a party            🎉🎉🎉We want you to share in G2G’s accomplishments so far and the exciting plans for the coming months! Hike or bike in – we’d love to hear your stories and see your photos! Come meet champions of the trail and get to know your trail neighbours. G2G and the Milverton Lions are hosting a summer BBQ and AGM on July 19th from 5PM – 8:30 PM. The Lions will be barbecuing from 5 PM – 7 PM and the AGM starts at 7 PM. Bring your questions, suggestions and ideas along with your appetite! Find the event right on the trail in the big white tent on CPR Drive at the Mark Jutzi Funeral Home (who have graciously lent G2G the space for the evening – thanks guys!). If you’re interested in hosting a group hike in feel free to post on our Facebook page for everyone from your community to see.

Please consider signing this petition
yellow creek facebook page

Educational Courses - sign up for Fall - on-line learning

algonquin college on-line learing trails programs

Please consider supporting our work
We wish to thank all those organizations who have renewed their membership. Please renew today, our work is more important than ever! Help us help groups keep their trails open. Please consider making a donation or taking out a membership today! We rely on the generous support of the Canadian trail community to allow us to do our work.

Our Mission - to promote the preservation, management, use and development of trails.
Everyday, somewhere in Ontario we educate, support a group, lead or assist a community improving its quality of life through trails.

Ask us how we make a difference! Thanks
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