Showing posts with label Premier of Ontario. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Premier of Ontario. Show all posts

Friday, January 30, 2015

Ontario Trails News - find your favorite trail and plant tress on trails says OTC in support of Trees Ontario

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Idle land? Plant trees with new subsidies urges Trees Ontario

MANITOULIN—Looking to increase the value of your land? Generous tree planting subsidies are now available in Northern Ontario. Trees Ontario, the forest restoration arm of Forests Ontario, will arrange site visits and supply planting crews.

“Significant tree planting subsidies provided by the 50 Million Tree Program can help landowners increase property value, improve water quality, and enhance wildlife habitat, among other benefits,” says Peter Gagnon, Trees Ontario’s Field Advisor supporting the Northern Ontario programs.

Supporting landowners in conservation efforts is a top priority for Trees Ontario. Trees increase property values and improve the health of your land in so many ways. The 50 Million Tree Program makes planting very affordable. In most cases, about 75 percent of the costs will be borne by the program. Landowners with a productive area of one hectare or larger may be eligible.

The 50 Million Tree Program can support landowners who want to fully utilize some of the less productive areas of their farms, particularly those not well suited to agriculture. Trees can shelter livestock and help control stock movement, help with soil management, and reduce flood risk. A Trees Ontario representative will work with you to find the best solution for your property. Planting windbreaks, pond and stream edges, or marginal land can add value to your property.

Contact Trees Ontario for a planting scheme tailored for your land, including advice on tree maintenance and management. Ontario is committed to plant 50 million trees by 2025. Visit to find out more about the 50 Million Tree Program.

Talk to your Northern Ontario Field Advisor, Peter Gagnon, at 705-779-3796 or to discuss your needs and arrange a planting consultation. Peter Gagnon is a retired Registered Professional Forester. He worked for the Ministry of Natural Resources in several capacities: as Unit Forester, Timber Supervisor, and in Education, Public Consultation and Marketing. Peter has years of experience with tree planting and forest management in the north.

Idle land? Plant trees! They will give you and your land a lifetime of benefits.
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Friday, October 4, 2013

Ontario Trail News - for more Ontario Trail News subscribe to Trailwise

L-R - TRCA Chair, Gerri Lynn O'Connor, Michael Chan, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport; MPP Dixon; Marlaine Koehler, Executive Director Waterfront Trail; Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario; Patrick Connor Executive Director Ontario Trails Council; Jack De Wit, President Ontario Trails Council, Paul Labarge, Board Member Trans Canada Trail.

This year we estimate 107 trail projects worth 21 million dollars in Ontario. Today we participated in the Ontario government announcement by Premier Wynne, of 3.5 million for a Pan Am Legacy Trail, which is part of the Trans Canada, Waterfront and Toronto Region Conservation Authority systems. This will help complete the Trans Canada Trail in Ontario by their target date of 2017. Ontario Trails Council has logged 100,000's of kilometers of travel in support of the TCT in Ontario over the past decade. We are pleased to see OTC Members, TRCA, TCTO, City of Toronto, Waterfront Trail and Pan Am Path all benefit through this significant provincial investment in GTA Trails. Thanks Ontario!


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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Ontario Trails - an opportunity for economic development includes trails in your Ontario!

News Release

Helping Communities Attract Investment and Create Jobs

Ontario moving forward with Investment Ready Program

Office of the Premier
Premier Kathleen Wynne spoke at the annual conference of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario today, where she unveiled new details about Ontario's Investment Ready: Certified Site Program.
The new program gives investors a greater degree of certainty when looking for development opportunities in Ontario municipalities. It will help companies looking to locate or expand their businesses in Ontario make quick, informed decisions and get projects underway sooner.
Designed to appeal to global investors, the program will give municipalities a chance to showcase their communities, attract new investment and help create jobs. This new initiative is part of the government's strategy to foster a competitive business climate in communities across Ontario. 

Quick Facts

  • Ontario’s Investment Ready: Certified Site Program is Canada’s first province-wide certified site program.
  • The program will provide detailed information on locations within a community that are ready to be developed, including availability, utilities servicing, access and environmental concerns.
  • To be eligible for the program, sites will need to meet mandatory requirements in relation to site ownership, availability for sale/lease, minimum property size, public road access, municipal planning and zoning, and servicing and utilities.
  • Applications will need to be submitted jointly by either municipalities or economic development organizations and the owner(s) of the site.
  • Financial assistance will be available to help cover some of the costs incurred during the certification process. The application process is set to open later this year.


Kathleen Wynne
We are confident that our new site certification program will make it easier for businesses to grow and expand in communities across the province. We want to do everything we can to help create jobs and attract investment to build strong, vibrant communities and we look forward to working together with our municipal partners.
Premier of Ontario
Dr. Eric Hoskins
The Investment Ready program will help communities across the province attract investment and create jobs. This is just one of the ways our government is strengthening local economies in partnership with municipal leaders.
Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Employment
Site Certification is another important tool to help our members attract investment projects to the communities they serve. Competition for international investment is intense, and a certified site designation can help a development opportunity stand out from the crowd.
Heather Lalonde
CEO, Economic Developers Council of Ontario
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