Showing posts with label Prescott Russell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prescott Russell. Show all posts

Friday, September 30, 2016

Ontario Trails News - we keep adding trails, Talbot Land Trust, Ontario Nature, BORCA Trails and more Ontario Trails activity and information!


Ontario Trails - We Keep Adding Trails!!

On a regular basis the trail community sends us more trails to add to our website! Add yours today.

Joany's Woodsjoany's woods trails

The 367 acre property located in the Ausable River Valley (east side - just north of the bridge on County Rd #7) has a difficult 4.8 km and an easy 3.2 km trail loop through mixed Carolinian-Great Lakes Hardwood Swamp Forest, and a 2.2 km trail along the river -

The Thames Talbot Land Trust currently owns 14 properties and holds one conservation easement, protecting over 1000 acres. 

Some of our properties are closed conservation areas; others have trail systems and interpretive signage to welcome the public.

In general, passive recreation such as hiking is encouraged, while motorized vehicles, mountain biking, off-leash dogs, horseback riding, camping, and the removal of vegetation are not allowed.

Each property is under the active care of TTLT volunteers, who visit regularly to look out for invasive species, maintain signage and fences, remove litter, maintain any trails, and remove hazards.

Mesa Trailmesa trail ontario

The largest nature reserve in Ontario Nature’s reserve system, the Altberg Wildlife Sanctuary Nature Reserve encompasses 470 hectares of central Ontario woodland and wetland.

The reserve straddles the contact between the granitic rocks of the Canadian Shield and the limestone of the Great Lakes - St. Lawrence forest. The Altberg Wildlife Sanctuary Nature Reserve provides habitat for numerous species that depend on large tracts of contiguous natural cover.

Red-shouldered hawks are frequently seen and have been known to nest on the property. In the summer, the forest and forest edges reverberate with the songs of breeding birds such as the hermit thrush, veery, least flycatcher, ovenbird, and a wealth of other warblers: black-and-white, yellow-rumped, black-throated green, black-throated blue, and chestnut-sided warbler.

Golden-winged warblers, field sparrows and ruby-throated hummingbirds frequent more open habitats. Signs of deer, moose, beaver, and other mammals await the observant naturalist. Moccasin flower, showy lady's slipper, and northern beech fern are amongst the many interesting plants.

For more information, including maps, please visit our Web site at

River Corridor Trailsborca ontario trails
BORCA builds and maintains trails in Ontario's Whitewater Region through partnerships with Renfrew County, local businesses and private landowners.  Our network of double and single track trails are designed for cycling and other self-propelled recreational activities.

We ask horse and riders to stay on Green trails only.

River Corridor Trails exist along the Ottawa River.

Thanks to local land owners/rafting companies. County Forest Trails by BORCA exist through permission by Renfrew County. Many Thanks.

For more information, including maps, please visit our Web site at

Save the Prescott-Russell Rail Trail


Save the Prescott Russell Trail. Many people use and love this trail.
The trail is 72 kilometers long and it runs through 8 townships and many towns in eastern Ontario.
The Prescott-Russell Rail Trail is the only outdoor recreational facility of its type in the area. The trail enables healthy hiking, active walking, dog walking, safe cycling off-road and winter snowmobiling.
Suddenly and without notice there is discussion of closing the trail. Many people love and rely on the Prescott-Russell Rail Trail. This trail is beautiful and a main corridor of travel and recreation for many people.
There have been no trespass complaints from landowners. Many local community members have fought for this trail and regularly work to maintain it.
The Ontario Trails Council asks you to sign this petition because we do not believe leaders fully understand the benefits of the Prescott-Russell Rail Trail to people's health, to tourism and to the environment.

Watch a video about this trail

Hike Ontario Annual Summit
hike ontario summit
"Hike Ontario Summit 2016" (Sept. 30 - Oct. 2, 2016)
The Hike Ontario Summit is THE EVENT to celebrate trails and hiking across the province of Ontario. Held in Perth this year to celebrate the 200th anniversary of that scenic and historic town, we will also be celebrating the 45th anniversary of the Rideau Trail, one of Ontario’s oldest and most scenic trails.
Come to Canada’s oldest golf course Links O’Tay for a Friday Hiker’s Pub.
Topics will explore: Lyme disease, Bill 100 and landowners, Hike Leadership, Young Hikers’ Program, Urban Poling, Mood Walks, Using Digital Media Technology, Starting an Emergency Fire, Historical Walks, Hiking Trail Associations: Successes and Challenges.
Dinner will celebrate the Rideau Trail, with its founder Doug Knapp presenting, Volunteer Awards will be presented. Breakfast on Sunday will be available as a chance to celebrate Ontario’s Trails and our successes.
Public Hikes will be offered on Sunday morning. Come and celebrate Ontario’s Trails with us!

Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Cubs Annual Summit

We appreciate the ongoing support of OFSC, and welcome their recognition of our work in support of their trails on their website. Be sure to add a link to Ontario Trails on your site.
Their summit was held September 15-17, 2016. For more information contact OFSC.

ofsc ontario trails partner
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Monday, February 3, 2014

Ontario Trail News - News from all around Ontario's Trails

We Thank Our Renewing Members!

Prescott Russell Trails

French River Trails

Oil Springs Trails

Ontario Trail Riders Association

The Ontario Trail Riders Association Inc. (OTRA) is a non-profit organization founded in 1970 by horse persons recognizing that trails and bridleways were disappearing beneath asphalt and housing.  This small group has grown over the years as more and more horse people join the fight for equestrian trails.
Algonquin Highlands Trails

Welcome to the Township of Algonquin Highlands Parks, Recreation & Trails Department. The Haliburton Highlands is home to many of the best water trails and hiking trails in Ontario’s Highlands Tourism Region. Here you can find countless opportunities to canoe, camp, hike, snowshoe, ski, snowmobile, ATV, fish, hunt, cottage or just relax and take in the scenery.
Vaughan Trails
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